Programme SAP RFTBLRE1 - Reservations: Collective Processing

You can use this report program to generate a worklist forreservations, from which you can then extend the reservations, flagthem for deletion, or edit them directly.
The following selection parameters are available:

  • Reservation number

  • Search term

  • End of validity period

  • User who created the reservation

  • User who last changed the reservation

  • In the list display, you can execute the following functions bypositioning the cursor on the reservation and choosing the relevantbutton:
    Extends the reservation up to the date specified by the user.
    Note: You cannot extend reservations that have expired.
    Flag for deletion
    If you set this indicator, the system no longer takes the reservationinto account for future utilization calculations, and deletes it thenext time the data is reorganized.
    Create/change/display reservation
    Branches to the corresponding transaction for processing individualreservations. If you make any changes, you must save them before youexit the editing transaction.
    Copy reservation
    The reservation you have selected is used as a reference for creating anew reservation. The system only copies the reservation data (with theexception of the reservation term), but not administration data andattributable amounts.
    For each reservation, you can enter notes in various formats. If a noteexists, a corresponding icon appears in the list.
    In all cases (except for point 3), the changes are updated in thedatabase as soon as they are entered by the user.