Programme SAP RFTBLE02 - Overview of Utilizations - Selection Using all Characteristics

Similar to report RFTBLE01 (selection via direct characteristics), thisreport serves to control existing credit lines and their utilizationsusing ALV functions. In fact, the top two blocks on the selectionscreens of both reports are identical. Seedocumentation for RFTBLE01 for more details.
In this report, you can restrict selection by specifying certain valuesfor limit characteristics. For example, if you specify company code'0001', only those limits are taken into account in which the companycode either does not appear, or which has the value '0001'. However,the system will make no internal restrictions. You have to explicitlyspecify all restrictions.
Using the appropriate switch on the selection screen, you can controlwhether limits without utilizations and whose validity does not run outbefore the specified date should be output.