Programme SAP RFTBLE01 - Overview of Utilizations - Selection Using Direct Characteristics

This report enables you to monitor existing limits and thecorresponding utilizations using ALV functions.
Depending on the selections you make, the selected limit type isdisplayed as header information, while the validity period, limits, andlimit utilizations are displayed as line information. If theutilizations exceed the internal limit, a red traffic light isdisplayed. If the utilizations exceed the external limit but are withinthe internal limit, a yellow traffic light is displayed. From the listdisplay you can drill down to the single transactions, or to thedetails for the business partner.
In addition, you can select a set of totals records and group themaccording to any number of limit characteristics by choosing theGrouping button.
Example: You want to see the utilizations for a particular country forseveral determination procedures and group them according to businesspartners.
From the list, you can branch directly to the limit setting using theMaintain limit button and make changes, provided that you havethe necessary authorization. When you return to the list, the systemregenerates the list to take the changes you have made into account.
There are two basic selection options:
If you only make entries in the sections headed General accessoptions and Selection of utilizations, the system displaysall the corresponding limits for which utilizations exist.
Notes on the selection options (also see F1 Help):
Limit utilization status:
Utilizations can be calculated in an end-of-day processing run, oronline. They have a corresponding determination status, which can bespecified in this field.
Validity date:
Date of the utilization.
Determination date:
Date for which utilizations are determined.
Indicator Latest det. per LT:
If this indicator is set, the system displays the utilizations for themost recent determination date for the limit type, and overrides thespecified determination date. Utilizations with determination dates inthe future are not displayed.
If you make entries in the section headed Selection via directlimit characteristics, the system determines the derivedcharacteristics and any related business partners (such as parentcompanies) for the specified date, and displays all the correspondinglimits. If you use this option, you have to specify all the relevantlimit characteristics (fully qualified selection). You can also displaylimits without utilizations. In this case, you also have to enter aValid from date. The system displays the limits with a validityperiod that does not end before the date specified in the Validfrom field.
By entering the relevant characteristics, you can check which limitsare utilized by a specific financial transaction, without having toknow the existing limit types and limit amounts.
If you only want to use the report to list limits or characteristicvalue combinations that have been exceeded, you can make correspondingsettings in the Exception reporting control section.