Programme SAP RFTBJL00 - Treasury: Journal of Financial Transactions

The journal of financial transactions provides an overview of financialtransactions according to variable selection criteria.
Only the most important data relating to the active/last financialtransaction activity is displayed. You can see detailed information bydouble-clicking a line or choosing the relevant function key.

Design changes:

  • 4.6B: In the case of notice on interest derivatives, the system
  • displays the nominal amounts (where technically possible) instead ofany notice charges. You can double-click to see the notice flows.
    • CFM 1.0: For derivatives transactions with nominal amounts and
    • conditions that change over time, the system displays the value that isvalid on the current date instead each of the first nominal amounts orconditions. If there is enough space, it also displays the interestformula in detail. In all other cases, the 'Formula' text is printed.