Programme SAP RFTBFF01 - File Interface: Generate Request List

Report RFTBFF01 provides a file interface which generates a list of themarket data required in the system. The data are grouped by instrumentclass in the report.
You can restrict the list output by making the corresponding entries inthe selection screen. You select the required market data by marking the'OK' field with a cross by mouse or pushbutton. Before leaving thereport, the instrument selection is saved under consideration of theconversion tables in a pre-defined file. The format of this file isdescribed below.
You use report RFTBFF00 to upload market data.

The directory path of the specified output file must be valid before thereport is called up. If no file exists with the file name you specify,the report creates this file. If such a file does exist already, itscontents are deleted and filled with the current requirement data.
The output file is created either on the local PC or on the applicationserver in correspondence with the selection box 'Download'. You observethe notifications of the different company systems when entering thepath names. When you down load the output file to your PC, there is aPopUp for file selection via F4 help.

The lines of the output file must be formatted as follows:
Description Category Length e.g.
Instrument class CHAR 2 02 (security)
Key 1 CHAR 20 000000000100000
Key 2 CHAR 20 Frankfurt
Instrument property CHAR 15 01