Programme SAP RFTBDF14 - Datafeed: Initialize Real-Time Market Data Transfer Externally

Report RFTBDF14 initializes the external partner program of the datafeedprovider. All entries with the indicator "realtime" in the translationtable are transferred to the external partner program. From this pointin time, the external partner program is responsible for supplyingmarket data when prices and rates change. The market data buffer is alsothen updated. The master data tables (exchange rates, securities prices,etc) are only updated with this report, if this is explicitly asked forin Customizing of the translation tables. An error and/or informationlist can also be generated if necessary.


  • Link to external partner system/ linlage program is working

  • External partner program supports realtime provision of market data (ask
  • your datafeed provider).
    • Customizing settings for datafeed are maintained, here especially the
    • "realtime" radio button in the Customizing translation table.
      • Ensure that you have authorization for the start of transaction TBDA at
      • the start of the report.

        Report RFTBDF07 triggers a system request that leads to the delivery ofrates/prices. Report RFTBDF14 is intended for the initialization ofrealtime market data provision. It should always be called up if the SAPsystem (or batch management) must be started again and/or the externalpartner program has to be initialized again.