Programme SAP RFTBDF07 - Datafeed: Request Current Market Data

Report RFTBDF07 updates the market data buffer with the requested marketdata. The market data you select on the selection screen is obtained viathe datafeed interface and written in the market data buffer. Thisreport only updates the master data tables (exchange rates, securityprices, etc.) if you explicitly state that you want them to be updatedwhen you set the selection parameters. If necessary, the report can alsogenerate an error log and/or a market data list.


  • Link to partner system/coupling program in operation

  • Customizing settings are maintained for datafeed

  • Ensure that you have authorization for transaction TBD4 at the start of
  • the report. In order to maintain rates in the operative SAP tables, yourequire authorization groups FC32 (currencies), FC16 (interest), TRZ(indexes), FC00 (currency volatilities) and TRMK (interest ratevolatilities).

    Report RFTBDF07 generates a system inquiry once which leads to thesupply of prices/rates. If your external datafeed supports realtimeprice/rate provision, you can initialize realtime price/rate provisionvia report RFTBDF14. In this case, the market data buffer and, ifnecessary, the master data tables are regularly updated. For this, youneed the relevant settings in the datafeed translation tables and theexternal datafeed must support realtime price/rate provision.