Programme SAP RFTBARC1 - Limit Archiving: Archiving Program (Limits, Util., Customizing)

Archives limits, utilizations and dependent limit management data.

This report program archives the following:

  • Tables:

  • VTBLV (limits)
    VTBLVIL (interim limits)
    VTBLIL (logs for determination run)
    VTBLIS (utilization totals)
    VTBLII (utilizations index)
    VTBLIE (single utilizations)
    VTBLID (all characteristic values for each single utilization)
    VTBLSD (global collateral)
    VTBLSI (global collateral index)
    VTBLSE (single global collateral records)
    VTBLSD (all characteristic values for each single global collateralrecord)
    In addition, combinations of characteristic values for limits (tablesgenerated dependent on the customer and for each limit type, previouslytable VTBLS. See the Release Notes for 4.63)
    • Dependent change documents

    • Customizing settings currently active for limits:

    • ATLA (Limit types)
      ATLAT (Limit type texts)
      ATLAM (Limit characteristics)
      ATLAR (Limit characteristic filters)
      • Customizing settings currently active for notes/word processing:

      • TTXOB

        The program is fully integrated with the standard archiving transactionSARA. The prescribed archiving object is called TRTM_LM. Thiscombination is preset as a parameter transaction (transaction codeTBLARC). You should NEVER run the report as a stand-alone programoutside SARA or TBLARC. In this case, the relevant data for archivemanagement is not written to the database. You can view archived datausing the Archive Information System (transaction SARI).

        There are two selection options:
        a) According to the validity of the limits (to archive "expired" limitsand utilizations, for example)
        b) According to the date/status of the utilization (such as resultsfrom earlier utilization runs that are no longer needed)
        The system displays a list of archived table objects.
        Note: The counter for the above Customizing table does not always showthe absolute number of archived objects, but instead the number ofsaves in the different archiving objects.
        This is because an archive session can contain n archiving objects(that can each have n data records). To ensure that each archivingobject is consistent, the system saves the current Customizing settingsin each archiving object redundantly.
        An archiving object always contains a limit with all the dependent data(utilizations, ...) and the Customizing settings that are currentlyactive.

        Further information

        • Report program RFTBARC2 (delete archived data)

        • Report program RFTBARC3 (reload archived data)
        • Further_hints
          At present, it is not possible to select the data to be deleted orreloaded. The system always deletes or reloads all the archivingobjects for an archiving session. SAP therefore recommends that you runan analysis of the current database status using appropriate selectioncriteria (in "portions").
          In certain circumstances, the reload functionality is restricted. Formore information, see the documentation for report programRFTBARC3.