Programme SAP RFSZIS00_NACC - G/L Account Interest Scale

Program RFSZIS00 generates an interest scale (account balance interestcalculation) for G/L accounts in local currency
, and outputs a list. You can control howdetailed this list is.
The program ignores any business area breakdown, but you can limit theprogram to certain business areas (all business areas you select aregrouped together).

Including a G/L Account in Interest Calculation
Interest calculation is controlled using the interest indicator in themaster record. Here, you enter an indicator that is defined in theinterest calculation types and assigned the calculation type "S". Inthis table, you can also specify whether the interest terms are to bestored under the interest calculation indicator or under the accountnumber, which then functions as an interest calculation indicator.Thus, you can store account-specific interest terms.

Cash Pooling
Cash pooling is the fictitous combination of debit and credit balancesin accounts. The system calculates interest on the total balance pooledtogether. This balance can include accounts from various subsidiarycompanies within a group, including the head office.
The accounts that you want to include in cash pooling can be defined ina program variant. A program variant then exists for each cash pool.You also need to specify for each cash pooling a header account. Theheader account collects or makes the interest payments resulting fromcash pooling. All the accounts that take part in cash pooling must havethe same interest indicator as the header account. The terms definedfor the header account are used for calculating interest on allaccounts that take part in cash pooling. The company code must bespecified for the header account.
The system currently supports single currency cash pooling only. Thisrequires all accounts in cash pooling to be kept in the same currency,which is usually the currency of the header account.
Cash pooling produces interest revenue resulting from the differencebetween:
- the interest calculated using the cash pooling function
- the interest calculated without using the cash pooling function.
Interest revenue can be determined as follows:
1. Run program RFSZIS00 with the cash pooling function but without
posting the interest.
2. Run program RFSZIS00 for the same accounts you selected for step 1.
without the cash pooling function. You can post the interest to
the accounts by executing the batch input session.
3. Determine the difference in interest between the first and second
run. This difference is the amount of interest revenue. You can
manually post it to the header account.

Interest Postings and Account Determination
The interest postings can be configured in the batch input sessionusing parameters. If the switch "Interest Splitting" is set, oneposting is created for each of the following: The minus debit and minuscredit interest of the period with value dates in the past, the debitand credit interest of the period with value dates in the past, andthe debit and credit interest of the settlement period. Otherwiseonly the total interest is posted.
The account determination takes place via the posting interface withthe application "0004" (G/L account interest scale). First use thecontrol to define which account determination keys are used. Maintainthe account determination key business transaction. You must create atleast one set of posting specifications each for the interest earnedposting (business transaction 1000) and interest paid posting(business transaction 2000). If you want to use interest splitting,you also have to create at least one set of posting specifications foreach of the following: Minus debit interest with value date in thepast (business transaction 1010), minus credit interest with value datein the past (business transaction 2010), debit interest with value datein the past (business transaction 1020), credit interest with value datein the past (business transaction 2020), settlement debit interest(business transaction 1030), and settlement credit interest (businesstransaction 2030). Assign the account symbols for the interest earnedor interest paid accounts to accounts completely. A generic entry ispossible for the balance sheet account posting.