Programme SAP RFSUSA00 - G/L Account Balances

The list of G/L account balances (Balance de Sumas y Saldos) displaysthe following monthly figures:

  • Debit total of the month under review

  • Credit total of the month under review

  • Debit total from the start of year up to and including the month under
  • review
    • Credit total from the start of year up to and including the month under
    • review
      • Debit total as 'C' + balance carried forward

      • Credit total as 'D' + balance carried forward

      • At the end of the list, the following list is issued per local currency:
        • Totals per company code

        • Total of all company codes

        • Sort by: Company code
          Account categories
          Account number
          Business area

          The list of account balances is printed in the standard format with 65lines and 132 characters.

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