Programme SAP RFSUMB00 - Year-End Postings

This program generates the year-end profit and loss statement postingsthat determine the operating result for the fiscal year and the postingsto open and close the balance sheet accounts for the new fiscal year. Yo
u can choose between country-specific versions for Italy, Slovakia, andTurkey. The country-specific version meet the legal requirements oftheir respective countries.
This program consists of two transactions:

  • The first entails generating the year-end profit and loss statement
  • postings. In the version for Italy, the profit is also entered on thebalance sheet.
    • The second closes the balance sheet accounts and carries forward their
    • balances into the new fiscal year.
      Before running this program, you must carry out several steps:
      • Print out the accounting reconciliation data for the previous fiscal

      • year
        • Run tests on the P&L statement and the balance sheet to validate the
        • amounts there and determine the reconciliation accounts
          • Create dummy customer and vendor master records that can be used to open
          • and close reconciliation accounts: a customer and a vendor account arecreated for each reconciliation account. For Turkey: default customerand vendor names can be found in table TABKT
            • Configure table TABKT by making the entries necessary to close and open
            • the balance sheet accounts; these accounts then function asreconciliation accounts for selecting customers, vendors and materialsin line with the schema below. For Turkey: all reconciliation accountsof chart of accounts CATR have been created in table TABKT. If you makechanges to the reconciliation accounts and special G/L transactions inthe Turkish chart of accounts, you have to make the related changes intable TABKT. New dummy accounts (customer and vendor) are also neededfor the new reconciliation accounts
              • Opening the posting periods for posting year-end processes and opening
              • the current fiscal year.
                RFSUMB00 is run to create a profit and loss statement. The program savesthe profit or loss for the year in table TABKT and uses it as acomparison value when closing the balance sheet accounts - In Turkey,account group 7 has to be closed separately - see the programdocumentation for RFIDTRCLACCL7
                • Carrying out the last step for the financial statements

                  • Closing the posting periods of the last fiscal year with the exception
                  • of the special periods for year-end closing procedures
                    • Print out the accounting reconciliation data for the current fiscal year
                    • and validation of the totals
                      When running the batch input session, the "Post automatically only"indicator is deactivated for all balance sheet accounts marked as such.After the posting is successfully completed, the indicator is reset.
                      Make certain that no other postings are carried out in your system whilethe batch input session is running.
                      For Turkey: We recommend you run the batch input session be run in thebackground. The incorrect transactions cannot be reposted, rather, thesession needs to be recreated after completing an error analysis usingRFSUMB00. Since the correctly posted accounts will have a zero balance,RFSUMB00 creates a new session only for the accounts with postings thatled to an error. If the session in run in the foreground, it may not beinterrupted, since this usually leads to data inconsistencies in the G/Laccount database. Even if there are errors, all of the transactions inthe session have to be carried out. The session cannot be run a secondtime; rather, you have to create a new session.
                      Parameters that are necessary for execution:
                      COMPANY CODE
                      FISCAL YEAR
                      BUSINESS AREA
                      POSTING PERIOD
                      TRANSACTION TYPE:
                      Selection of profit and loss accounts / balance sheet accounts / allaccounts.
                      Test run and production run
                      Name of the batch input session to be created
                      Report variants that are used to store the total resulting from theclosing of the profit and loss statements in table TRVOR.
                      Profit and loss account - closing
                      Retained earnings account
                      Balance sheet account - closing
                      Balance sheet account - opening
                      Document type
                      Document date
                      Posting date
                      Posting period
                      Document type
                      Document date
                      Posting date
                      GENERAL PARAMETERS
                      G/L account debit posting key
                      G/L account credit posting key
                      Input tax code
                      Output tax code
                      Cost center
                      Segment type
                      Asset transaction type
                      Asset debit posting key
                      Asset credit posting key
                      Configure table TABKT by making the following entries:
                      BUKRS: company code
                      SAKNR: all reconciliation accounts are entered
                      KOART: account type of reconciliation account (customer, vendor)
                      LIFNR/KUNNR: dummy customer or vendor account number
                      UMSKZ: special G/L account for posting bills of exchange, down paymentsetc.
                      BSCHS: posting key for dummy customer and vendor accounts
                      BLART: document type (not currently used). The document type from theprogram parameters is used. In the version for Turkey, the document typemust support all account types (such as "AB").
                      The following is an example of a typical set of posting specificationsfrom table TABKT:
                      Customer reconciliation account 140000
                      Vendor down payment reconciliation account 170000 (sp.GL ind. A)
                      Reconciliation account for bill liability 125000 (sp.GL ind. W)
                      You must define a dummy customer account, such as DUMMYCL1
                      Vendor reconciliation account 160000
                      Customer down payment reconciliation account 159000 (sp.GL ind. A)
                      You must define a dummy vendor account, such as DUMMYFOR
                      Entries in table TABKT
                      CC Account AT Vendor Customer S. D C DT
                      IT01 0000140000 D DUMMYCLI 04 14
                      IT01 0000170000 D DUMMYCLI A 09 19
                      IT01 0000125000 D DUMMYCLI W 09 19
                      IT01 0000160000 K DUMMYFOR 24 34
                      IT01 0000160000 K DUMMYFOR 24 34
                      IT01 0000160000 K DUMMYFOR A 29 39

402917Balance carryforward is not correct
814821RFSUMB00: Ledger as selection criterion
858525FAGL_YEC_POSTINGS: Various corrections
816757RFSUMB00: Use in the new general ledger (ERP 2004)
109682End-of-year closing reports, Enhancement Slovakia
421562RFSUMB00: Slovakia - postings at business area level