Programme SAP RFSHRU00 - Cashed Checks

Report RFSHRU00 reads the cashed checks data supplied by the bank andgenerates batch input for clearing entries (outgoing checks account tobank account).
Cashed checks data basically contains the data of the OCR line on theoutgoing check created by the SAP payment program. The bank imports thechecks by using Automatic Optical Document Entry (MAOBE), adds data andtransfers it by DME or disk to the SAP user.
Cashed checks data is transferred in the 'MAOBE format' and can consistof as many amounts of data as required where an amount of data consistsof a header record, as many memo records (checks) as required and atrailer label (so-called totals break records are overread). Therecords have a fixed length of 61 bytes. The structure of theindividual record types can be taken from the DATA statements in thereport.
The report reads the document file with the SAP document number fromthe multipurpose field of the memo record and thus tries to find theitem to be cleared. If no errors occur, the report creates a batchinput session. If errors occur, a session with error-free and incorrectposting records is created. In detail, the following cases can occur:

  • Case: Document found, amounts correspond

  • Result: FB05 posting record into error-free session
    • Case: Document found, amounts do not correspond

    • Result: FB05 posting record into error session, report in processinglog
      • Case: Document found, contains no posting to the outgoing checks
      • account
        Result: No batch input, message in processing log
        • Case: Document found, the line item for outgoing checks account has
        • already been cleared
          Result: No batch input, message in processing log
          • Case: Document not found

          • Result: No batch input, message in processing log


            • Before the first use, you must check whether the record structure of
            • the report and the record structure used by the bank correspond. Thereport assumes that the so-called multipurpose field of the memo record(13 characters) is filled in right justified form with the SAP documentnumber (10 characters).
              • The bank must deliver a file in the ASCII format. The file can be
              • created consecutively (all data records are directly in succession) orcan be created line by line (data records are separated by the sectionbreak character <(>CR><)> (= carriage return, line feed)).
                • The file can be imported from the UNIX file system or a disk. If it is
                • imported from a disk, the disk drive name must be specified before thefile name (for example: A:MAOBE.TXT). In addition, the correspondingflag is to be set on the initial screen.
                  • You must maintain the following within Financial Accounting
                  • configuration:
                    bank number
                    bank account number at the bank
                    outgoing checks account in the company code
                    bank account in the company code
                    company code
                    document type of posting outgoing checks account to bank account
                    IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

                    The following is output:

                    • log of the imported data records

                    • processing log

                    • batch input log

13283Description of electronic bank statement formats