Programme SAP RFSEPA01 - Switch On Line Item Display by Changing Master Record

If line item management is not switched on from the very beginning whensetting up a G/L account, then all documents posted to this account areposted without line items. If line item management for a G/L account isswitched on at a later stage, then you must either do without thedocuments posted before this point in time having line items or generatethe line items subsequently by means of this program.
The program should be scheduled as a background job due to its longruntime.

Line item management must be switched on in the G/L account masterrecord.
The account must previously be blocked for posting since it is possiblethat the newly posted documents would not be entered when documents andpostings to this account are converted at the same time.
You also have to run this report in the new general ledger. This ensuresthat the setting in the G/L account master is consistent with theindexes of the line items.

The program lists the selected documents and logs the number of lineitems generated and the number of documents changed. A log is issued foreach individual document by means of the list log.

104819Long runtime with RFSEPA01
872093G/L account master record: Documentation correction
669615Field FIPEX empty in table BSIS and BSAS
113670Reconciliation report: Incorrectly listing errors
86067SAPF190: Differences INDIZES - BALANCES
164481Checks in run up to archiving prior to euro change
193065Critical reports after euro changeover