Programme SAP RFSBWA00 - Structured Account Balances

The balances of the accounts displayed in an existing financialstatement version are added together in line with the version of thosefinancial statements. The balances of the accounts are then displayedin summarized form according to the above-mentioned version.Summarization groups are not supported by this report, but differentdebit are credit items for individual accounts are.
You can specify the posting periods 1 to 16 as the reporting andcomparison period. The balance carried forward can be included. Youalso can later change the specifications for the balance carry forwardand the period interval for evaluation.
Plan version/comparison year: You can choose a plan version from the
reporting year or a corresponding
comparison year with actual figures for
comparing with the reporting year.
If you specify both, the plan
version (from the reporting year)
has priority.
If you select company codes with different currencies, the systemtranslates the balances into the currency of the first company codeselected, unless you explicitly specify another currency in thecurrency field.
If you select company codes with the same currency and specify adifferent currency, this also causes the system to translate theamounts.

646052F.05/F.54 - missing check indicators for authorizatn objects