Programme SAP RFSBPBUT021 - Program RFSBPBUT021

Up to and including Basis release 6.20, there are two different addressusage functions for the business partner - the time-dependent addressusages for the SAP Business Partner for Financial Services and thetime-dependent address usages for the SAP Business Partner.
Both functions are managed in different tables:

  • time-dependent address usages in table BUT021_FS GP: Address Usages
  • with Validity Date
    • time-independent address usages in table BUT021 GP: Address Usages

    • The banking application Bank Customer Accounts still accesses thetime-independent address usage table for the SAP Business Partner. Inorder to avoid any data inconsistencies for addresses in both tables,you have to regularly update the current, valid address using thisreport.

      If you do not use the banking application Bank Customer Accountsyou can use report RFSBPBUT020 instead of this report, in order toimprove performance. Report RFSBPBUT020 only updates the indicatorAddress Is Standard Address in table BUT020 GP:Addresses.

      You can use this report to transfer the current, valid addresses for theSAP Business Partner for Financial Services that are stored in tableBUT021_FS GP: Address Usages with Validity Date to table>LS>BUT021 GP: Address Usages for the SAP Business Partner.
      The previous address usages are deleted, so that only one current, validaddress remains for each address type. At the same time, the systemalso sets the indicator Address Is Standard Address for the newaddress in table BUT020 GP: Addresses, where the addresses forthe SAP Business Partner are managed.
      You should execute this as a job report every day after 0.00 hours. Thisensures that the tables BUT021_FS GP: Address Usages with ValidityDate and BUT021 GP: Address Usages are updated on the datethat those addresses become valid that were initially assigned to anaddress type on a future date.

      You can select the business partners for which you want to execute thereport using the

      • business partner number

      • business partner category

      • business partner grouping
      • Standard_variants
        You can execute the report as a test run (simulates writing datato the database) and as an update run (updates data to thedatabase).

        The system outputs a log, which records the result of the report run.

637689BP_ADU: Switch between FS04=1 and FS04=0
717833BP_ADU: R1 856: "Error when updating table BUT021"
517102BP_ADU: Composite SAP note time-dependent address usages
729592BP_ADU: Time-dependent address usages Financial Services
749316BP_ADU: Report RFSBPBUT021, error in log
747754BP_ADU: Performance of report RFSBPBUT021
738298BP_ADU: Performance improvement for report RFSBPBUT021
504734SAP BP: Time-dependent address usages of SAP BP for FS
727528BP_ADU: Error in the address uses (BANK/CFM 463_20)
629462Subsequent note to Note 588916: FS and non-FS applications
615194SAP BP: Transfer of current standard address to customer
717831BP_ADU: Various corrections for report RFSBPBUT021
725889BP_ADU: Update termination for report RFSBPBUT021
721721BP_ADU: Performance problem with report RFSBPBUT021