Programme SAP RFSBLIW0 - Direct Reporting of Bank Transactions for Belgium (BNB)

This program evaluates the bank transactions of bank accounts abroad andthe foreign bank transactions of domestic bank accounts.
The report types 11 and 16 of the BNB law are prepared when this programis run.
This program provides the following data:
Report type 11 - Banks abroad
Report type 11 is a list which reports the transaction type and thecountry of the transaction per house bank accounts abroad and percurrency.
Report type 16 - Domestic banks - direct reporting
Report type 16 is a list which reports the transaction type and thecountry of the transaction for all house bank accounts in the companycode country.
Only companies which have an approval from the BNB institute may reportdirectly. All other companies report this data to their house banks foreach transaction which then in turn send the report from table 16 to theinstitute.
Report base data
Type of transaction
The state central bank indicator field in the accounting documentBSEG-LZBKZ field) contains the transaction type.
Transaction country
The country of the transaction is the country in the customer and vendormaster record.
The country of the transaction for one-time accounts is the country inthe document (BSEC-LAND1 field).
For all transactions without a customer/vendor (there is no link withcustomer or vendor invoices and credit memos via the clearing documentnumber), the country of the transaction exists in the document(BSEG-LANDL field).
Consecutive number of the bank account
The report identifies each account abroad with a consecutive number.
The first 3 characters of the house bank account ID contain thisconsecutive number.
Reporting type
There are two reporting types in this program: Reporting type 11 andreporting type 16.
Each bank account from the house bank file is allocated to one of thetwo reporting types due to the country of the house bank.
If the country of the house bank is the same as the country of thecompany code, all bank transactions from this account are reported underreporting type 16, otherwise under reporting type 11.
Reporting month
This program is subject to a requirement to report monthly, whereby amonth in this case is a calendar month.
Postings are allocated to a calendar month on the basis of the postingdate.
The reporting month is determined on the basis of the last clearing datein the case of bank posting items with links via clearing documentnumbers.
Transaction currency
The currency of the transaction is determined by the link between thebank posting item and the accompanying invoices and credit memos. Ifsuch a link does not exist (due to the type of business or a missingclearing number), the currency of the bank posting documents isdetermined as the currency of the transaction.
Opening balances
For reporting type 11, a positive or negative closing balance iscalculated per bank account, currency and reporting month. This closingbalance is the opening balance in the subsequent month.
This data is saved by the program in table T051A. You must maintain theopening balances of the previous month for the first report, otherwisezero is taken as the opening balance. Use the transaction formaintaining tables.

Selection logic
The program only selects documents with postings to bank accounts anddocuments that are connected to these bank posting documents by a by aclearing number.
A bank posting document can contain no more than one bank posting itemper document.
The following posting transactions are selected.
Those posting transactions not listed here are not supported by thisprogram. If these posting transactions are selected, then the accuracyof the data cannot be guaranteed.
The offsettting entry of the bank account item is a G/L account.
There are two different cases:
The G/L account is managed on an open item basis.
Examples are: Incoming and outgoing check accounts, outgoing paymentaccounts, incoming payment accounts.
The document with the bank posting may only contain an item in an openitem account in this case. In the case of several open G/L account itemsin one document, the program cannot always clearly select theaccompanying transactions (invoices/credit memos).
The open item in the interim account must be cleared. The offsettingentry in this clearing document must be a vendor or a customer. Thisoffsetting entry on the vendor or customer side must also be cleared.The invoices, credit memos and other open items in these subledgeraccounts contain the transaction type.
The bank transaction is only reported if the outgoing or incomingpayment documents can be linked with a bank transaction using clearingnumbers.
Belgian company code, local currency EUR.
German vendor X has two invoices and a credit memo
Invoice 1 : 1000 USD, SCB : 090
Invoice 2 : 1000 EUR, SCB : 092
Credit memo : 200 USD, SCB : 091
The payment program clears all open items with two outgoing paymentdocuments: 800 USD and 1000 EUR (in this example about 700 USD), postingdate 02/27/95.
The payments are carried out using the USD account in Holland.
These 2 documents are posted to an "Outgoing payments" interim account.
The open items in the "Outgoing payments" account are cleared with thebank account statement (from 02/28/95) from the USD account (clearingdate 03/01/95). Total amount is 1700 USD.
The following is reported (reporting month 03/95 due to clearing date03/01/95):
Trans.type / Country / Currency /Amount / Reporting month
090 DE USD 1000- 03/95
091 DE USD 200+ 03/95
092 DE EUR 1000- 03/95
Table 11 is printed for each currency (bank account abroad).
Schematic :
Vendor X
(1') USD 200 | (1) USD 1000
(2) USD 800 | -----------------+
(2') EUR 1000 | (1") EUR 1000 |
| |
+-------------------+ |
Cleared | |
on 02/27/95 | |
| |
Outgoing payments | |
----------------- | |
(3) 1700 USD | (2) 800 USD -|-+
| | (2') 1000 EUR -+
| |
| |
| cleared
| on 03/01/95
| USD bank acct in NL
| -------------------
+------- | (3) 1700 USD
(1), (1'), (1") :
Vendor X : Open items
(2), (2') :
Payment run : Clearing of items (1), (1'), (1") in the vendor account
(3) :
Bank statement - clearing items (2), (2') in the outgoing paymentsaccount
The G/L account is not managed on an open item basis.
Examples are: Tax items, bank charges items, loans, ...
The transaction type and country of the transaction are selected fromthe offsetting items. If the transaction type is not maintained in theseitems, the transaction type from the bank account item is selected. Thecurrency and the amount of the transaction is the document currency ofthe document which contains the bank account item.
The offseting entry of the bank account item is a vendor or customer.
There are two different cases. However, the transaction type reported isdetermined differently.
The country of the transaction is the country in the customer/vendormaster record or the one-time account country in the document.
Offsetting entry item is cleared
The transaction type comes from the items which are cleared with theitem from the bank posting document.
The currency is the currency of the credit memos / invoices.
Reporting month is the month of the clearing date.
Offsetting entry item is not cleared
The transaction type comes from the bank posting item.
The currency is the currency of the bank posting document.
Reporting month is the month of the posting date of the bank postingdocument.
It is recommended that you clear this type of postings as soon aspossible since then exact data can be reported.

There are the following parameters:
Company code
Here you maintain the company codes for a program run.
It is recommended to limit a run to one company code.
Document number selection
The document number selection can be limited.
Here the selection can only be limited to the selection of documentsfrom the bank accounts.
House bank accounts
Maintain the G/L accounts for the house bank accounts.
The G/L accounts must be clearly identifiable in the house bank accounttable (T012K).
If you do not make this selection, the selection is automaticallylimited to the accounts in table T012K.
Reading house bank accounts
You use this switch to specify that the accounts in table T021K areincluded in the selection of the house bank accounts for the companycodes you have selected.
This switch is automatically set if the house bank accounts selectionfield has not been maintained.
Bank sub-accounts
Here you maintain the bank sub-accounts. These accounts must be managedwith open items. They are a link between the bank posting documents andthe invoices which led to these postings, as well as customer and vendormemos.
Reading bank sub-accounts
You use this switch to specify that the accounts in table T042I areincluded in the selection of the bank sub-accounts for the company codesyou have selected.
This switch is automatically set if the bank sub-accounts selectionfield has not been maintained.
ISO currency code
The reporting currency must be rendered using the ISO currency code.
You should activate this field if the document currency is not an ISOcurrency code.
ISO country code
The country where the transaction takes place must be rendered with anISO country code.
You should activate this field if the country code is not an ISO code.
Reporting month (calendar month)
Here you should maintain the reporting month.
Selection of posting date.
This field enables you to make a targeted search for past bank postingdocuments.
According to legal specifications, you may select more than just thedocuments which have a posting date in the reporting month. Bank postingdocuments, linked to customer and vendor invoices and credit memos bymeans of bank sub-accounts, are reported on the basis of their clearingdate rather than their posting date.
Entering this date specifies that all bank posting documents with aposting date before this date and with links to customer and vendorinvoices and credit memos have already been reported.
The performance of this program is better when this date is not too farin the past.
Contact person for the report
Telephone (contact person)
Fax (contact person)
E-mail (contact person)
X -> balance update
If you select this field, the closing balances for the reporting monthare updated for report 16 in table T051A.
Create PC file, including name
The report can be made by data medium. However, a prerequisite for thisis that the institute checks the file first.
X -> Detail list
If you select this field, the system will list every bank postingdocument with its transaction type and country. If there are any relatedinvoices/credit memos, these are also listed.

Configuration settings
Transaction type and transaction country
You must activate the fields for transaction type and transactioncountry in the line items in the bank, customer and vendor accounts forthe transactions that are being reported.
To do this, you must change the G/L account field status string and theposting key. The fields for the 'foreign payments' group must be readyfor input.
Transaction type
Maintain the permitted transaction types in table T015L.
House bank accounts
This program can only include in the report those house bank accountsthat are defined in the house bank file.
The G/L account for the house bank account must be maintained and eachG/L account may only be maintained once in this table in any given
company code.

Table T051A contains the closing balances for the reporting month. For
the first report, you must maintain the closing balances for the monthof the previous reporting period with the table maintenance transactionsm31.
You must also maintain this table if the opening balance of the previousmonth is not correct.

- Data for BNB reporting forms 11 and 16 are prepared
- Detail list of reported documents and related documents
- Exception list

Reporting forms 11 and 16 - Technical Details
Reporting type 11
There is one reporting form for each account abroad and each reportingcurrency.
The reporting form 11 has 4 parts:
Opening balance
This data is read from table T051A.
Closing balance
This data is stored in table T051A.
Original transaction
This data is selected from accounting documents. The transaction typeand transaction country are specified as explained above. This data issummarized at the level of the transaction currency and type.
The details behind this summarized information can be found in thedetail list.
Transactions from the bank's perspective
Transactions between foreign and domestic bank accounts are displayedhere. The transaction types are 310 and 314, the transaction country isthat of the original transaction. Data is summarized at level of thetransaction country.
Reporting type 16
There is one reporting form for all domestic bank accounts and for eachreporting currency.
Reporting form 16 has 2 sections:
Transactions from the bank's perspective.
In the absence of any other data, transactions from the bank'sperspective are taken from the original transactions. The transactiontype is always 315 and the transaction country is that of the originaltransaction.
The data is summarized at the level of the transaction country.
Original transaction
This data is taken from the accounting documents.
The transactions type and country are specified as described above. Thisdata is summarized at the level of the transaction country andtransaction type.
The details behind this summarized information can be found in thedetail screen.
This data contributes to the section 'Transaction from the bank'sperspective'.