Programme SAP RFRERAIV - Create Invoices for Rent

The program creates rent invoices for customer contracts.
The system groups together items from Financial Accounting (and, if youchoose, also planned items of the cash flow) into invoices and assignsthem corresponding invoice numbers. These invoice numbers are managedsolely in Flexible Real Estate Management.
In the standard system, the system ensures that an item can notbe invoiced again during a later invoicing run - even if the item isstill open then. You should be aware of differences between the twotypes of selection:

  • Selection using FI documents

  • The system checks for each item if the item was already invoiced or not.
    • Selection using planned items of the cash flow

    • The planned items of the cash flow remain planned items until they areposted using the Periodic Posting function, regardless of whetheror not an invoice is created for them. Since planned items can not
      be stored when an invoice is created, the system can notestablish a permanent relationship between the invoice item and the cashflow item. To prevent planned items from being invoiced a second time,the system checks for invoices that were already created in the selecteddue period.
      The system does not check for each planned item if the planneditem was already invoiced or not.
      Example: You enter a due period from March 1, 2004 to March 31,2004 on the selection screen for the selection of planned records. Thesystem first checks for each planned item if there is already an invoicefor this contract that contains planned items. If the due date of theitems being checked falls in the due period of the existing invoice,then the planned item is not invoiced again. This procedureprevents planned items from being invoiced more than once. However, italso has the effect that changed or new planned items are notinvoiced at all if a second invoicing run takes place for this timeperiod. Therefore, you should only use selection using planned itemsof the cash flow if you take additional manual, organizationalprecautions.
      By setting the Already Invoiced indicator on the selectionscreen, you can have the system ignore the checks described above forthat individual invoicing run. This means that you are willing to acceptthat an item can appear in multiple non-reversed invoices.


      • The system takes minimum amounts (trivial amounts) into account when
      • creating invoices.
        • If you specify on the selection screen that credit memos are also
        • considered, then the system creates credit memos instead of invoices.
          • The system stores the results of the invoicing run, and you can display
          • the results on screen (overview list and jump to print preview).
            • Correspondence is created in a second step. You make the necessary
            • settings (correspondence activity, form, and so on) in Customizing forcorrespondence.
              • You can also "reverse" invoices (transaction RERAIVRV

              • ). The invoice items are then considered again when you create newinvoices.
                • You can request a repeat print of already created invoices (transaction
                • (transaction RECPA520). In the invoice overview,the system indicates if an invoice was already printed.

                  Of the selected set of contracts, only those are considered that areactive customer contracts. Simulating or creating an invoice is onlypossible if the logon user has read authorization for the contract, aswell as authorization to simulate or perform (as applicable) periodicpostings.
                  To immediately generate spool requests for print output during an updaterun of invoice creation, set the Print Invoices (in Spool)indicator.

                  The simulated or created invoices are displayed in a list. When youdouble click on a row in the list the print preview appears.