Programme SAP RFREMI50 - Data Conversion: Release 2.00 => ERP 2004

As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500), certain application data isstored in different database tables than before. In addition, some fieldnames were changed.
Since the affected master data is not converted automatically, thisreport makes all changes needed by programs shipped by SAP.

Start the report and check the log to see if any errors occurred.
If you use your own user-defined programs that directly access the olddatabase tables, you have to modify these programs (see SAP Note681951).
If you already created your own correspondence forms in your live client(for example, by copying SAP standard forms) and there are fields inthese forms that have changed, you also have to modify these forms.

See also
For more information, refer to SAP Note 681951.

1548018DMS document links to REFX lost
1045495RFREMI50 report has a very long runtime
734981RE-FX upgrade from 470x200 to ERP 2004 or a subsequent relea
1040076Runtime of RFREMI20TMRHRO report
769729RFREMI50: Termination in conversion - Object does not exist
791573Conversion program: STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET (2)
787820Migration representative list of rent data
774293Migration and field VICNCN-BENOCN
771505Conversion program: STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET
769371Migration to ERP 2004: Error for vacant migration 2
765367Conversion program: Field HASCOSTOBJECT (SU) not filled
767131Migration to ERP 2004: Error for vacant migration
765144Conversion program: Change docs. depend. data (missing obj.)
764539Conversn progrm: Change documents - OBJASS - missing objects
764532Conversion program: Change documents - PM - missing objects
761835Conversion program: Change documents - dump field symbol
753765Conversion program: Change documents