Programme SAP RFREISMMCAPD - Info System: Statement of Reserve Fund - Details

The report lists the assets of a condominium owners' association andbreaks them down for informational purposes according to the ownershipshare of the individual owners.
The display encompasses the general ledger accounts that are assigned tothe bank accounts of the mandate. The following is displayed for theseaccounts:

  • The starting balance on the account at the beginning of the evaluation
  • period (total of all items with a posting date before the start of thesettlement period)
    • The total of all flows on the account (total of all items with a posting
    • date in the settlement period)
      • The closing balance on the account at the end of the evaluation period

      • For each owner (assessment contract), the report displays in one lineper account, for informational purposes, what share of the balance orflows on the accounts is assigned to each owner based on their ownershipshare.
        You can influence this display using the BAdIBADI_REEX_FI_MM_CAPITAL.

        Also refer to the prerequisites for the report
        RFREISMMCAP - they also apply for this program.
        Note also that the "Current Occupancy Principle" indicator is onlyapplied to those COA objects in which the "Current Occupancy Principle"indicator is set in their master data.

1452934Statement of reserve fund - BAdI enhancement