Programme SAP RFREDS_CHANGEDOC_DELETE - Deletion of Not-Used Changed Documents

The program finds change documents that are no longer assigned to a realestate object and supports deletion of these change documents.
Due to a programming error, when real estate objects were deleted inreleases from 470x200 to Support Package 3 ECC 5.00 (ERP2004), not allchange documents for the real estate object were deleted (see SAP Note776312).

The program analyzes only those change document objects that arerelevant to RE-FX. You can limit the change documents using theselection conditions.

You receive an overview of the change documents that are no longer used.The first columns contain the data from the change document header. TheExplanation column contains the reason that the system can nolonger assign the change document to a real estate object. The othercolumns contain information on if and when the real estate object wasdeleted.

To delete the change documents, first select the entries you want todelete. Then enter DELETE in the OK code field.