Programme SAP RFRECARSGEN - Generate Reminder Dates

The transaction generates the list of dates for the selected real estateobjects, based on the reminder rules that are specified for the object.
The same function is also available for individual objects in the RENavigator: Choose the Reminders tab page and then @42@ with quickinfo Update List of Dates.
Generating dates is only required for periodic reminder rules. For rulessuch as the As of date... every ... months rule and for automaticrenewals, the system calculates, saves and displays the list of datesonly for five years into the future when the rule is entered.
Therefore we recommend that you execute the transaction at leastonce a year, so that all dates for the next four years are alwaysavailable.
For all other reminder rules, such as Before Contract End orBefore Notice Date, it is not absolutely necessary to executethis transaction. The system generates the dates automatically when youperform actions that influence the reference date, such as enteringnotice. In this case the five-year period mentioned above does not playa role.
Using the selection options, however, you can also generate non-periodicdates.

You can control the scope of what is generated using the followingselection options:

  • Periodic Dates Only (default setting)

  • Real estate objects are considered only if they have periodic reminderrules (as described above). This depends on the settings you make in the Define Reminder Rules
    IMG activity.
    • All Dates

    • Non-periodic dates are also generated in addition to the periodic dates.You can use this function to correct data inconsistencies.
      • All Dates and Memos

      • The system manages memos for the reminder dates as text modules. At thesame time, the beginning of the text is stored redundantly in a textfield of the reminder date, which allows the text to be displayed inlists. Using this function, you can compare the beginning of the text inthe date field with the contents of the text module. This can be usefulif the text modules were inadvertently processed with other tools,rather than in the RE Navigator.