Programme SAP RFQSCI01 - Withholding Tax Report (Chile)

You use this report to prepare withholding tax certificates for thefollowing, in accordance with Chilean legal requirements:

  • Self-employed persons/company directors

  • Mining businesses

  • Farmers

  • Additional tax

  • You can also use it to:
    • Save the certificates to disk

    • Print out your withholding tax ledger
    • Features

      Each entry in the list consists of a header and line items. The headershows the withholding tax type and the vendor, the total amountscontained in the invoices in the line items, and the total taxwithheld. Below the header, there is a separate item for each document,with information such as posting date, document number, invoice amount,and withholding tax - and inflation-adjusted values.
      The last document to have been posted in each period also shows thetotal tax withheld and the total tax for which you must still print acertificate.

      The output screen includes the following functions:

      • Document data

      • Displays the document that you have positioned the cursor on.
        • Master data

        • Displays the master data of the vendor that you have positioned thecursor on.
          • New certificates

          • Prints a withholding tax certificate for each business.
            • Remove document

            • Removes the document that you have selected from the certificate thatit was included in. The document is then included in the nextcertificate that you print. You must reprint any certificates that youhave changed.
              • Reprint

              • Reprints a certificate of your choice - you enter the certificatenumber in the dialog box that appears.
                • Download (Save icon)

                • Saves the certificate for self-employed and company directors to file.

718991Year-dependent fiscal year variant, period texts not found