Programme SAP RFPRQZLP - Create Payment Runs for Payment Requests

You use report program RFPRQZLP to automatically create and executepayment runs for payment requests in the payment program. You candetermine the payment run identification and the accrual/deferral, duedata and posting data dynamically. Using this and the report programvariants makes it far easier to schedule and create payment runparameters. Some characteristics of the report program are:

  • You can save the payment run parameters as variants

  • You can determine the payment run identification using a freely
  • definable prefix for the term
    • You can determine the data you need for selection and posting by using
    • a factory calendar for the term
      • You can also execute proposal runs.

      • The way the program works depends on the settings you have chosen:
        1.) Proposal run
        Create and save the parameters for the term. Create the jobs, paymentrun as well as the print and list programs in the background using'Start immediately', and execute them in the proposal mode.
        2.) Update run
        Create and save the parameters for the term. Create and execute thejobs, payment run as well as the print and list programs in thebackground using 'Start immediately'. You can generate postings,payment media and lists from the payment program.

        Static Parameters
        Here, the payment run identification (the last figure of theidentification must be an 'R') and the payment run date, as well as theselection and posting data is suggested as a default. You can onlyexecute the payment run once in the update run, either directly orusing the variants.

        Dynamic Parameters
        Leave the the date fields blank. Enter the prefix instead of thepayment run identification. The complete identification is determinedfor the term as a prefix + consecutive number. The payment run date isthe term date. To determine the accrual/deferral and posting date enterthe number of workdays and a factory calendar. This data is then usedto calculate the term data (see example).

        Compared with the standard scheduling transaction (F111), the scope ofthe function is somewhat limited. You do not have the possibilitiesoffered by 'free accruals/deferrals'. Furthermore, the number ofexecutable print programs is limited to four, and the list programs totwo.

        The report program creates the parameters entered and generates thejobs for the payment run, the print programs (payment media) and thelist programs (e.g. payment lists).

        A payment run with the same parameters has to be executed on a dailybasis at 16:00 hrs. The initial run should take two days.
        Use the report program to enter the parameters you require. If theproposal run field is flagged, you can monitor and, if necessary,change the payments. You will then have to schedule the update runmanually.
        Leave the fields in the static payment run section blank. Fill thefields in the dynamic payment run section:

        • Prefix: 'PAY'

        • Factory calendar: for the country of your company

        • Work days: '2'

        • Now execute the parameter check (press enter). Save the variants forthe report program under 'VARIANT1'.
          You can schedule the report program either via reporting(System->Services->Reporting) or via the Financial calendar(Accounting->Financial accounting->Accounts receivable/Accounts payable->Periodic processing ->Financial calendar).
          When using reporting for scheduling select 'Background'. Enter thereport program, the variants and a job name (e.g. RFPRQZLP). Also enterthe first execution date for 16.00 hrs. Select a period interval of 1day under 'Schedule periodically'
          The payment run is executed daily at 16.00 hrs.
          You can see the job log via the job overview, in particular, thepayment run transaction 'F111'. If proposal runs are scheduled, youhave to schedule the update runs manually. Otherwise the paymentpostings, payment media and lists are entered directly.
          The following payment runs are entered, for example, in the week fromOctober 13 - 17, 1997.
          Date: ID Posting date Due before
          10/13/1997 PAY01R 10/13/1997 10/15/1997 10/15/1997
          10/14/1997 PAY01R 10/14/1997 10/16/1997 10/16/1997
          10/15/1997 PAY01R 10/15/1997 10/17/1997 10/17/1997
          10/16/1997 PAY01R 10/16/1997 10/20/1997 10/20/1997
          10/17/1997 PAY01R 10/17/1997 10/21/1997 10/21/1997
          Here, October 18 and 19 are not workdays.