Programme SAP RFMXPR41 - FIPOS-FIPEX Conversion of table FMCOPI


  • XPRA for Upgrade 4.61A IS-PS

  • The program converts field FIPOS into field FIPEX in the key of table
  • FMCOPI. Field FIPOS is reset.
    • The program can be restarted.

    • The program must run successfully before production startup.

    • The program can be started in the background.
    • Integration
      Refer to note 162919. An upgrade from 3.0F/PS/5 or a previousrelease to 4.61A IS-PS is not possible. You must carry out the upgradeof table FMCOPI to 3.0F/PS/6 according to the method described in note162919.


808790ERP 2004: Optimization of XPRAS_UPG upgrade phase
807870Long run time of Report RFMXPR41