Programme SAP RFMUSFG_FACTS2_FILE_SEND - Send Bulk File to Treasury

Send Bulk File to Treasury

With this report, you can send FACTS II bulk file data as a text fileattachment to an e-mail as per Treasury requirements.


Enter the following in the selection screen:

  • Application of Funds (optional)

  • Preparer ID (optional)

  • Output Control (required)

  • Path and Filename
    You must specify a filename to put the data in on your PC (or sharednetwork drive). The system downloads the data as a text file. The systemdefaults a filename, which you can change.
    You can access the file using NotePad, WordPad, Word, or any other texteditor. After reviewing the file and ensuring its correctness, attach itto an e-mail and send it to Treasury.

    You can start this report using transaction RFACTS2_FILE_SEND.

704769FACTS II - Program Reporting Category Attribute
611278Advance delivery of FACTS I/II updates