Programme SAP RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EDITS - FACTS II: Apply Edits Program

FACTS II Editing Program Report

This report runs the FACTS II edits against the extract file data andproduces a list of error messages. It uses data in the edit tables andthe Master Accounts File (MAF) that must already have been uploaded.
For details of the upload, see UploadMAF File.

You must already have run the programs to extract the bulk file andupload the MAF file.

With this report, you can specify which edits you want to run if you donot want to run all of them. Certain edits apply only to the fourthquarter.


  • You can restrict the edits to specific applications of funds and
  • preparer ID data.
    • Choose the edits you want to run and the quarters for which you want to
    • run them. There are buttons enabling you to select all the edits for aquarter.
      • You can opt to have the output sorted by edit number or Treasury Account
      • Symbol (TAS). Once in the list, you can switch between the two.

        Symbols indicate whether objects have passed edits as follows:

        • Green circle indicates edit has been passed.

        • Yellow triangle indicates edit has failed.

        • Red square indicates a fatal error (example: edit table not customized
        • or extract file missing).

          You can start this report by running transaction RFACTS2_EDITS.

712820FACTS II- New domain value for FACTS II Attribute
611278Advance delivery of FACTS I/II updates
602347FACTS II program yields incorrect data