Programme SAP RFMUSFG_FACTS1_FILE_SEND - Send bulk file to Treasury

Send Bulk File to Treasury

With this report, you can send FACTS I bulk file data as a text fileattachment to an e-mail as per Treasury requirements.


In the selection screen, enter the following in the Data Selectionsection:

  • Fiscal year(s)

  • Company code(s)

  • Main account(s)

  • SGL account(s)

  • Federal Department

  • Business Line

  • Up to Period

  • In the Output Control section, specify the path and file name
  • where you want the report output to go.
    The system downloads the data as a text file. You can access the fileusing NotePad, WordPad, Word, or any other text editor. After reviewingthe file and ensuring its correctness, attach it to an e-mail and sendit to the appropriate person at Treasury.
    The fields for fiscal year, "up to" period, and the path filename aremandatory. The rest are optional. However, to reduce the size of theresult set, you should enter as many selection criteria as possible.

    You can run this report using the transaction RFACTS1_FILE_SEND.

611278Advance delivery of FACTS I/II updates
607978FACTS I Bulk File Send:Incorrect data declaration statement
417148Reports for FACTS I not available in release 462