Programme SAP RFMROPOST - Recurring Obligations: Post/Reverse/Overdue Check

This program operates in either of two modes: Post RecurringObligations (transaction RFMROP) or Recurring Obligations Overdue Check(transaction RFMROD).

  • The purpose of Post Recurring Obligations mode is to select
  • recurring obligation schedule lines that are due to be posted within aspecified time period and post the recurring obligation.
    • The purpose of the Recurring Obligations Overdue Check is to
    • provide a method of identifying any recurring obligations that have notbeen posted when expected. An email notification is sent to the useridentified as responsible for the recurring obligation that postingshave not occurred.


      Selection criteria are in three sections.

      • The first section is to identify the recurring obligation template
      • documents to be selected, based on attributes of the template document.
        • The second section is to identify which schedule lines of those
        • documents to post, based on due date and line status.
          • Status selection is filled in automatically when transactions RFMROP or
          • RFMROD are used to start the program.
            Typically, scheduled background runs are used so that postings arecreated automatically on schedule. Very broad selection criteria shouldbe applied to the overdue check variant to provide the maximum possiblechecking. However, the posting run may have a more controlled set ofcriteria.


            In posting mode, the program posts earmarked funds documents.
            In either mode, the program creates an application log which isdisplayed at the end of the run showing individual results for eachdocument and schedule line processed.
            The application log is saved and may be viewed using transaction SLG1.Posting results are also stored in the application log for eachindividual template document and may be viewed by the standard displaytransactions for the template document (FMX3 or FMY3 depending ontemplate document category).
            SAPOffice e-mail notification is used to notify responsible persons ofposting failures (in posting mode) or of overdue obligations (inoverdue check mode).