Programme SAP RFMRESDF - Earmarked Funds: Set Archiving Indicator

This is the preprocessing program for earmarked funds archiving. Itmakes certain checks and then decides whether a document can bearchived or not. If it can, the program sets the correspondingindicator. Subsequently, no further changes to the document are thenpossible.
Certain prerequisites must be fulfilled before earmarked funds can bearchived:

  • You must be authorized to archive the document.

  • The document must have been completed for a defined period (retention
  • period) with no changes having been made in that time. Use programRFFMERLK to flag earmarked funds as completed. For more information.See the program documentation for more information.
    • There must be no documents dependent on the one to be archived

    • In this context, "dependent" documents means documents which referencethe earmarked funds you want to archive. Examples: invoices or purchaseorders. You must archive and delete these first. An exception isearmarked funds which reference other earmarked funds. You must archivethese in the same archiving run.
      In the selection screen, you can select the documents you want toarchive by document type and company code. You can also define whetherthe test run should take place or whether the archiving indicatorshould actually be set. In addition, you can stipulate as to howdetailed the log should be issued.

      Depending on which settings you have made in the selection screen, theoutput will be more or less detailed.
      If you set the Detailed success log indicator, the system firstdisplays a list of all the documents in which the archiving indicatorwas successfully set. Choose a line to display the relevant document.
      If you select Detailed error log, the system first displays alist of all the documents in which the archiving indicator could not beset, sorted by the cause of the error. The following are possiblecauses:

      • The document was blocked

      • You are not authorized to archive the document

      • The retention period for the document has not yet elapsed or the
      • document is not complete.
        • There are still documents dependent on the document.