Programme SAP RFMFGRLAYOUT - Display for Table FMFGRLAYOUT

The program is used to display and maintain report layouts. Reportlayouts describe the reporting lines to be displayed and their definingcharacteristics. The characteristics describe which item amounts fallinto which reporting line.
This program offers functions to maintain the report layouts. Thosefunctions would be to copy report layouts from other clients or toexport and import the report layouts via flat files. It allows tonavigate into the report layout customizing transaction.

Report layout customizing is used with different reports. Those reportsintegrate the functionality with several includes and data definitionsand one main data load call. The perform LOAD_RLINE_FROM_RPT_LAYOUTloads the RLINE object with the information retrieved from the reportinglayout. Input variable on this perform is the information about theparameter sets. Each parameter set defines a specific structure over thePARA01 to PARA09 fields. This structure associates the parameter with adata field (PARA02 defines the values for "SGL_ACCOUNT"). The parameterstructure definition is then associated with a parameter set which isused as such in the report layout.
l_f_set-paraset = 'C1'.
l_f_set-settype = con_settype-characteristics.
add_to_para 'PARA01' 'ITEMNR'.
add_to_para 'PARA02' 'SGL_ACCOUNT'.
add_to_para 'PARA03' 'BLSTATUS_9'.
The characteristics are placed into range objects and validated for eachposted application item. Since the characteristic values are placed intorange objects, the wildcards for range objects (*, +) are alsoavailable. In addition to the set types for the characteristics, thereare two more - the overall setting and the calculation - which work onthe same principle. The calculation requires a form pool where theactual calulation is placed. The form pool can be inside the mainprogram since it is an essential part of the report display.
l_f_set-paraset = 'XC'.
l_f_set-settype = con_settype-calculation.
add_to_para 'PARA01' 'XCALCPROG'.
add_to_para 'PARA02' 'XCALCFORM'.
l_f_set-paraset = 'AL'.
l_f_set-settype = con_settype-setting.
add_to_para 'PARA01' 'DISPLAYOPT'.
add_to_para 'PARA02' 'NUMCOLSHOW'.
add_to_para 'PARA03' 'LINEBYSHOW'.
add_to_para 'PARA04' 'LINEBYVAR'.
The report layout configure for those parameter sets will look now:
000010, 1, AL, "This is a header line", HEADER1, X, , ,
000020, 1a, AL, "Subline for accounts 2999, 3000, 3001 and Status AAA1to AAAX", NORMAL, X, , , ,
000030, 1a, C1, , 1, 2999, ,
000040, 1a, C1, , 1, 3000, ,
000050, 1a, C1, , 2, 3001, AAA+,
000100, 2, AL, Display for each fund on accounts 4999, NORMAL, X, X, , ,
000110, 2#, AL, (<(><<)>NR>)By <(><<)>BY>, NORMAL, X, BLOCK, 2, RFUND,
000120, 2#, C1, , 1, 4999, ,
000500, 9, AL, Total over all lines, TOTAL1, X, , ,
000510, 9, XC, RFFMFG_SF132, XCALC_SUM_AT_9,

  • Parameter set 'AL':

  • The add line tells the report layout tool to start a new line. This linewill get the line number 1a. The description is be printed in the leadcolumn and has a limit of 60 characters. The display can be formatted inoptions like HEADER or NORMAL or HIGHLIGHT. Diffent options could bemade available inside the program. The next parameter defines whetherthe line number should be shown. The LINEBY parameters allow you tospecify a view of the key figures in a more detailed breakdown (in theexample it is the fund). Available options for the breakdown are COMBINE(view detail in one line) or BLOCK (view detail in each following sublines). The LINEBYVAR is very important since it displays the uniquenumber of the combination. The following parameters list the breakdownfields in order.
    • Parameter set 'C1':

    • The first characteristic set is described by the crosswalk. The firstparameter should defines the grouping of the characteristics. If onlythe values to one characteristic object change, all characteristicvalues can be combined in groups of value ranges. If more characteristicobjects change, the grouping definition splits them up into chosen valueranges.
      • Parameter set 'XC':

      • Calculates the overall totals in a subroutine pool. The program can makethe pool available inside or outside the main program. The subroutinehas a predefined parameter structure. Note that the calculation isupdated immediately.

        The available reporting "Layout ID" is the only selection required.

        The output displays the report layout configuration in a list.


        • Copy delivered report layouts:

        • This program offers you functions to help maintain the report layouts.The first function would be to copy the delivered report layouts in yourcurrent client. You would do this by executing the program leaving thelayout ID empty and using the copy from client function to view theavailable layouts. Then selectively copy each individual layout byspecifying the layout ID when executing the program.