Programme SAP RFMFGAAPAY - Partial Clearing by Account Assignment

With this transaction, you can display the split view of open items andchoose the specific account assignment that you want to clear.
When the document split is active and you post payable or receivableitems, a split view of the items is stored in the corresponding ledger.
You can use standard FI transactions to pay and clear these items.However, the document split splits the payment lines according to thesplit that was applied to the original open item that is paid. Thismakes it impossible for FI transactions to pay some specific accountassignment of one open item that is split.

You need to maintain the activies in Customzing under PartialClearing by Account Assignment. There, you do the following:

  • Activate the partial clearing feature

  • Define the relevant ledger from which the split view of the open items
  • is retrieved
    • Define the document types that can be paid using this transaction

    • Define the payment block to be applied to the open items once a partial
    • payment is posted (to prevent them from being paid afterwards usingstandard FI transactions).

      The selection screen contains the following sections:

      • In the Header Data, you need to enter the header information for
      • the payment document you are going to post in this transaction. Thisinformation includes the document date, the posting date, the documenttype, and the currency key.
        • In the Account section, you enter the necessary information for
        • the cash line of the payment document you are posting. You need to enterthe account that is used for the payment (typically, this is a bankaccount), as well as the amount to be paid and the posting key for thecash line of the payment document.
          You can also mark the flag to distribute the amount to pay among theselected items (prioritizing the ones with a close due date).Optionally, you can enter some text for the cash line in the paymentdocument.
          • In the Open Item Selection section, you enter the information
          • relative to the open items to be paid.
            • In the Account Assignment Selection, you enter the account
            • assignments you want to pay from the open items you are selecting in thedatabase. This means that you can use this section to select the splitview of the open items that you need to pay.
              Example: Open item 1 in document 111 is split into 2 split linesaccording to two different funds. In this section you can determine thefund that you intend to pay.
              All the fields in the Account Assignment Selection are optional.
              Only the fields that are active splitting characteristics in the ledgeryou have defined as relevant for partial clearing in Customizing appearin this section.

              The report selects the split view of the open items and filters thesplit lines based on the account assignment elements specified in theselection criteria.
              When you execute the report, the split lines of the split view of thedocuments are displayed on the next screen. This view shows the originalamount and the open amount for each of the split lines.
              The open amount is calculated taking into account all the split views ofall open items in the same invoice reference that have the same accountassignment.
              You can specify the payment amount in the editable 'Amount' column andpost a new document using the push button 'Post' on the ALV toolbar.
              You can double click any split line to display all documents referencingthe given invoice. This provides a way to cross check the previouspayments with the open amounts. All partial payments and credit memosare listed in this ALV.

              Enter your selections in the selection screen.
              In the next screen, enter the amounts to be posted in the paymentdocument.
              Choose Save to post the payment directive.