Programme SAP RFMEUF_BATCH - Start Certification Run

This report can be used to start a certification run.
Normally you start a certification run interactively with the respectiveWeb Dynpro Application. However, this report is intended to be startedby a scheduling tool in the background - for example, during the night.

You need run parameters with the status "Parameters Saved" on the database.

If you start the report online, you might get an error message from, forexample, the check of the run parameters, or if one of the financingsources could not be enqueued.
If you start the report in the background, all messages are put into theapplication log of the certification run.

The report does not create any output. If it is executed successfully,the result of the certification run is stored on the data base.

When the report has been executed, check the status and the applicationlog of the report run.