Programme SAP RFMEUFARFSPR - Archiving FMEUF Financing Source: Preprocess Program

This program sets the delete indicator for the financing sourceseligible to be archived.

This program includes financing sources only if the following conditionis met:

  • No operations exist with the financing source included.
  • Selection
    The program should be executed in background as is common for archivingprograms when mass data is processed, but for testing purposes onlineexecution is enabled.
    Some of the important program parameters:

    • Financing Source

    • The financing source as selection option can be used to select specificoperations in this archiving run.
      • Changed on

      • Last recorded change date for the financing sources.
        Additional processing options as defined in the archiving standards:
        • Test Mode

        • If the test mode is specified, the process is executed without settingthe delete flag.
          • Productive Mode

          • If the productive mode is specified, the process is completely executedand the delete flag is specified for the operations eligible to bearchived.

            Depending on the output selection, the program presents the result as alist or in the application log.