Programme SAP RFMBL_REG_REPORT - Year-end Balancing for BL Accounts

You carry out year-end balancing for your BL accounts by posting FIdocuments which do not reflect FM financial transactions. Note that onlyaccounts which are maintained in Customizing are included.
You usually start the report once a year per posting group and companycode.
It is recommended that you close FM posting periods before you start thereport , as well as closing the FI posting periods after the execution,in order to ensure that the balances of the account stay at zero.

The corresponding settings must be made in the IMG actiivityDefine Settings for Year-end Balance for BLAccounts.

Choose the posting group and year, as well as the company codemaintained in Customizing.
The posting period is used:

  • as the upper limit to determine the amounts on the accounts

  • as the period to which posting is carried out

  • The posting period must match the posting date.

    A list with the FI document number, the individual posted items andtheir amounts is output.

    You choose as the posting date the last day of your fiscal year and asthe posting period, choose the first special period.