Programme SAP RFMAHN21 - Dunning Proposal

You can use the dunning proposal report (RFMAHN21) to output moreinformation about a specific dunning run or to make changes to thisdunning run.
The data of the dunning proposal determined forms the basis of thisreport (tables MHNK and MHND). The original FI documents are notaffected.

  • To display a list of the accounts and items selected for the dunning
  • letter, choose Dunning list:
    • To change the dunning proposal, choose Change dunning notice.

    • To display a list of the blocked accounts or items of the dunning
    • proposal determined, choose Blocked accounts or blockeditems.
      • To evaluate the documents selected for the dunning run statistically,
      • choose Dunning statistic.
        • To display a list of the accounts or items that have already been
        • changed for the dunning proposal determined, choose Changedaccounts or Changed items.
          Tables MHNDO and MHNKO are evaluated.

          You have executed the dunning selection for the dunning run.

          The lists are displayed using the SAP List Viewer (ALV). You can selectdifferent display variants with different filters.