Programme SAP RFLQ_S002 - Liquidity Calculation: Comparison of Line items with Account Statement

This program moves line items in a liquidity calculation from tableFLQITEMFI to table FLQITEMBS and vice versa.

When an actual document is generated in accounting within a company codewith active liquidity calculation, the decision as to whether thecorresponding line items go into table FLQITEMBS (with reference to theaccount statement) or into FLQITEMFI, is made by a relativelyerror-prone heueristic. This is explained in SAP Note 552009. It cannotbe essentially improved now as it is to operate in the same way in bothonline and reconstruction cases. Typical error scenarios are:

  • If an account statement document is being used as a template for a
  • manually posted document (FB01 - post with template), then the manuallyposted document is also put in FLQITEMBS.
    • If the exact reference to the house bank account is not in the reference
    • document number BKPF-XBLNR for an account statement document (forexample, because of an exit), the line items are erroneously put inFLQITEMFI.

      This repair program only delivers results that are usable if the numbersof the generated FI bank documents are there in table FEBEP. This isnormally only the case with the online posting of the account statementand not with batch input.

      The program has two parameters for mapping the two directions:
      If you activate direction FLQITEMFI to FLQITEMBS (P_FI_BS), the programreads the account statement tables with reference to the specifiedrestrictions. Line items for the document numbers found are checked inthe liquidity calculation and, if required, are moved from FLQITEMFI toFLQITEMBS. Other errors are also displayed.
      If you activate direction FLQITEMBS to FLQITEMFI (P_BS_FI), the programreads table FLQITEMBS with reference to the specified restrictions andchecks whether the document number is referenced in table FEBEP of theaccount statement line items too. If not, the line items are moved toFLQITEMFI.
      No changes to the database occur in the test run. You can go to accountstatement items and documents from the detail list.