Programme SAP RFLQ_REPORT_FC - Liquidity Calculation: Payment Forecast per Liquidity Item

Trados Memory = TR

This report enables you to see the expected payments that are due in theselected time interval. These are broken down by liquidity items.
You can make various restrictions for the data selection on theselection screen.

The report displays the amounts in local currency. They are translatedfrom the amounts held on the database to the transaction currency whenexecuted. In each case, this occurs on the expected payment date withthe exchange rate type (default value: 'M' average rate) specified onthe initial screen.
From the result list, you use interactive functions to further limit thereport to one (original) company code, business area, planning level, ortransaction currency.
When you limit the report to a transaction currency, then both the localcurrency amounts and the transaction currency amounts are displayed.
To go to a totals list (program RFLQ_LISTSU_FC), double click on a row.From there you can drill down to the line items.

702816New Forecast-Functionality in Liquidity Analysis 2003.1