Programme SAP RFLQ_CASH_FORECAST_MMPO - Liquidity Calculation: Forecast from MM PO and Scheduling Agreement

This is a snapshot, which creates a totals and line items table, forrepresenting the current expected payments based on MM purchase orders.These are broken down by planning level and liquidity item.

From a technical perspective, this means the enhancement of existingdata on purchase orders that already exists in Cash Management byadding a liquidity item (liquidity forecast in Cash Management). Theplanning group dimension, on the other hand, is not included.
As a default, the program gets the liquidity item from the account ofthe purchase order. You can expand on this logic by implementing a userexit.

Liquidity calculation and Cash Management (purchase order update) haveto be set up for the company code.

The following tables are created: FLQITEMPO_FC (line items) andFLQSUM_FC (totals).

702816New Forecast-Functionality in Liquidity Analysis 2003.1