Programme SAP RFLQ_CASH_FORECAST_FIN - Liquidity Calculation: Forecast from Accounting (Open Items)

This is a snapshot, which creates a totals and line items table, forrepresenting the expected payments based on current open items(accounting documents, with the exception of special ledger downpayment items). These are broken down by planning level and liquidityitem.

The liquidity items are determined using the same principles as foractual payments. Therefore, you can reuse the same query sequences andderivation exits that you used for actual payments.
The expected date and amount for the payment is determined as in CashManagement. If line items contain planning levels, then the planninglevel is also updated, and can be included in the report.

Liquidity calculation has to be set up for the company code; CashManagement does not necessarily have to be set up for the company code.

You can limit the selection of open items in many ways. The derivationof the liquidity items is dependent on the programs (chosen explicitly)for classification of the actual payments:




  • The following tables are created: FLQITEMFI_FC (line items) andFLQSUM_FC (totals).

980933Document chains with down payments in the forecast
702816New Forecast-Functionality in Liquidity Analysis 2003.1