Programme SAP RFLQ_ALIGN_REVERSED - Liquidity Calculation: Mirrored Assignment for Reversal Documents

A reversal document for an actual document (account statement orpayment) is to have the same liquidity items as the original document sothat the balance per liquidity item is exactly zero.

The program reads all line items for accounting documents according toselection, in which the associated accounting document has the reversalindicator (BKPF-STBLG). These line items are converted. They are giventhe laterally reversed liquidity line item assignment of the line itemsfrom the reversed documents.
If both documents, original and reversed, are selected, only one of thetwo documents is processed in this way. The other retains its formerassignment.

There is a 'new origin' parameter. If a value is entered here it istransferred to the table field FLQITEM-LQORIG for line items for theconverted and reversed document, irrespective of whether the reverseddocument is included in the selection or not. This allows you to use aspecial origin symbol that protects laterally reversed line items frombeing changed by another mechanism (exclusion on the selection screen).
In the log you will find documents for which the only selection made wasthat the field for new liquidity line items remain empty.

An actual document has been given the following liquidity line itemseither manually or by assignment programs:
Item AAA with amount 1000-
Item BBB with amount 4000-
Later the document is reversed. The existing program then effects thefollowing distribution for the reversed document (if this alone wasselected):
Item AAA with amount 1000+
Item BBB with amount 4000+
If the relevant parameter was provided, the origin indicator is reset inboth documents.

There is another way in which you can neutralize line items for reverseddocuments and protect them from new assignments. You can create aliquidity line item specifically for reversals and perform assignmentsusing the program RFLQ_ASSIGN_DIR.