Programme SAP RFKXET01 - Extract for accumulated open item balance audit trail

Report RFKKET00 creates the extract (balance audit trail) for balanceaudit with accounts receivable, accounts payable and General Ledgeraccounts that are stored as open items. The extract is sorted accordingto an open-item point of view (cleared and open items).
Four types of processing methods are possible:
Initial creation of a balance
Periodic creation of a balance
Extraction of data from the database in several workfiles
Removal of data records from the balance
The balance contains master data information and line item informationfor each account.
You should always choose automatic By doing this, you can be sure thatall items are posted to the balance.
All open documents are always selected whose creation date (CPU date)is smaller than the period upper limit. Cleared items are only selectedif their creation date lies between the (CPU date of clearing) upper anlower period limits.
If newly selected data from the document file is mixed with the lastbalance from the balance audit trail, the open items in the balance arenormally left out. These are posted from document database to the newextract either as open items or - if they have been cleared in themeantime - as cleared items. If the items from the old balance and theincoming data are identical, the item is extracted from the incomingdata (document file).
Open items in the balance audit trail are not posted to the balance ifthe new data from the workfile is imported. If the same item exists inthe balance and the workfile, the item in the balance is overwritten.
Items in the balance which have been cleared but then reset are removedfrom the balance and transferred back to the system with their currentstatus..

Create logical names for the balance files. Always provide 3generations for a balance, so that you can fall back on one of these incase of data loss.
Execute Function
You can choose to do without logical names, but must then enter thephysical file names in the corresponding parameters.
If you want the extract to be displayed in workfiles, you have tospecify them. If you want the extract to be displayed in workfiles, youhave to specify them.
Excecute Function