Programme SAP RFKQSU30 - 1099 MISC Form, Tape Reporting

1099-MISC Form, Tape Reporting

This report prints the official 1099 forms and / or creates a tape for1099 tax reporting.

Print 1099 Form:
'Print 1099 Form' selected, the ABAP prints:

  • payer's address based on the selection screen

  • payer's tax ID, state, and state number based on the selection screen

  • vendor's tax ID , address, account number based on the vendor masters

  • calculated amounts for all 1099 categories

  • Year based on CPU Date

  • The layout of the official 1099 form is defined in the SAPSCRIPT formF_1099_TAXFORM. The form uses the following fields:
    KNA1-NAME1 - Payer's name1
    KNA1-NAME2 - Payer's name2
    KNA1-NAME3 - P.O.Box or other information
    KNA1-STRAS - Payer's street name
    KNA1-ORT02 - Payer's City, State, Zip Code
    KNA1-LZONE - Payer's Tax ID
    KNA1-STCD2 - Vendor's TAX ID
    LFA1-NAME1 - Vendor's name1
    LFA1-NAME2 - Vendor's name2
    BKPF-XBLNR - text(P.O.Box)
    LFA1-PFACH - Vendor's P.O. Box
    LFA1-STRAS - Vendor's street
    LFA1-ORT02 - Vendor's city, state, zip code
    KNC1-UM01S - amount type 1
    KNC1-UM02S - amount type 2
    KNC1-UM03S - amount type 3
    KNC1-UM04S - amount type 4
    KNC1-UM05S - amount type 5
    KNC1-UM06S - amount type 6
    KNC1-UM07S - amount type 7
    KNC1-UM08S - amount type 8
    LFA1-DTAMS - amount type 9
    KNC1-UM10S - amount type 10
    KNC1-UM11S - amount type 11
    LFB1-HBKID - amount type 12
    LFA1-LIFNR - account number

    1099 Tape Reporting:
    'Tape Reporting' selected, the ABAP creates the following record typesfor 1099 tape reporting, based on the IRS publication 1220 (Rev. 6-91):
    Record type A (Payer/Transmitter; page 26 - 33 of the publication)
    The fields type of return, reel, magnetic tape file indicator,transmitter control, code(TCC) are entered in the selection screen.
    Record type 'B' - Payee "B" record(page 34- 50)
    Record type 'C' - End of Payer "C" record(p.51)
    Record type 'K' - State Totals "K" record(p.51-53)
    Table T059L is used to set states' minimum taxable amounts. The federalminimum amount from the selection screen replaces all $0 state values,when calculating the taxable amounts.
    Record type 'F' - End of Transmission "F" record

163527Withholding Tax for USA 1099-MISC (Version 2001)
510859Missing or wrong messages of message class FR
4531281099-MISC: Errors in report RFW1099M
432692WTMG: USA - Withholding tax for states
454732RFW1099M (1099-MISC): SAPSERV import Syntax error
371059RFKQSU30 Description of Selection Fields
366560Update of RFKQSU30, 1099MISC reporting for US