Programme SAP RFKQST80 - Withholding Tax Report - France

This program is only relevant for France. It generates an annual reportfor the tax authorities (Déclaration honoraires). This includesbusiness transactions that must be allocated to certain revenue andexpense types, such as consulting services, legal fees etc. The taxreport includes both customer and vendor transactions. All servicespaid for during the reporting period are included in the report.Customers and/or vendors are only included in the report, however, iftheir total transactions exceed a certain minimum amount for the yearinquestion. This amount is FRF 500 and must be entered as a parameterwhen running the report.

The transactions relevant to the tax report must be posted to specialG/L accounts ('fee accounts'). The master record of eachcustomer/vendorcontains an account group which is allocated to theseaccounts, and the account group name forms the 'fee code'. You canmaintain new account groups with transaction OBD4. The account groupname must contain the name of the fee code. To prevent these accountgroups being used incorrectly, you should restrict the account typeswhich can be allocated to these groups to as small a number aspossible.You therefore create an account group for each fee code.
To maintain account groups, select
Whenever a customer or a vendor item whose offsetting item contains oneor more of these special G/L accounts is cleared from an invoice orpartially paid, the amount involved (for partial payments, the partialamount paid) is noted in the tax report. If an invoice has more thanone relevant G/L account item and a partial payment is made, it is notpossible to assign the partial amount to the G/L account items (feetypes). In this case the fee items are reported to the authorities insequence up to the amount of the partial payment.
The program can also process invoices from the MM invoice verificationapplication. In this mode the fee accounts are recorded in the relevantFI material document.
Down payments are not included in this report. The report cannotprocess documents that contain different vendors.

The program generates a list that is sorted by company code, customer/vendor account, fee code and document number. Both the invoice amountand the amount to be reported are displayed. Totals are generated foreach fee code, customer/vendor and company code. A key of the fee codesis output for each company code. If you so require, you can have thelist output in summarized form (totals display).

The following selection parameters will generate a report for the year1996. This example assumes that the relevant fee accounts are all inthe range 402308 - 402320. No other revenue or expense accounts may bedefined within this interval.
Chart of accounts INT to
G/L account 402308 to 402320
Company code 0001 to
Business area to
Open items at key date 31.12.1996
Clearing date 01.01.1996 to 31.12.1996

1617946Removal of Country-Specific WT Reports from SAP EA Menu
431952WTMG: France - withholding tax for customers