Programme SAP RFKQST70 - Belgian Withholding Tax Reports 281.50 and 325.50

This report is only relevant for Belgium.
Report RFKQST70 generates the pages of the 281.50 individual report andthe 325.50 combined report. You report business transactions withspecific vendors on this form. The 281.50 report contains more detaileddescriptions of the various types of business transactions. Report325.50, on the other hand, lists only the sum total per vendor. Thereports covers the following four transaction types at this time:

  • Commissions, courtages, ristournes commerciales

  • Honoraires ou vacations

  • Avantages de toute nature

  • Frais exposés pour compte du bénéficiare

  • You can report cleared or uncleared items. Select uncleared items usingthe posting date.

    The system differentiates these transactions using various withholdingtax codes. The withholding tax base amount is reported.
    You have to define a default withholding tax code in the master recordsof vendors which must be reported. The code identifies the vendors asbeing subject to the reporting requirement.
    During document entry, either enter a withholding tax code or accept thedefault code. If, during document entry, you cannot enter a withholdingtax code for a vendor item, check the field status group for thereconciliation account involved.
    The client being used must contain the SAPScript forms for both reports.SAP delivers forms F_RFKQST70_10 (for 281.50) and F_RFKQST70_20 (for325.50) as part of the standard system. You will usually need to makeyour own adjustments to the forms.

    Depending on the selection parameters used, the system may add up therelevant line items. The totals will be printed in the 281.50 and325.50 reports.

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