Programme SAP RFKQST30 - Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities (Japan)

This program is only relevant for Japan.
Program RFKQST30 provides evaluations on sales subject to withholdingtax for reporting to the tax authorities. When evaluating, the programalso includes sales subject to withholding tax that are from items notcleared. In this case, the program calculates the withholding taxamount and displays it in the report. Sales transactions subject towithholding tax can be:

  • Vendor invoices

  • Down payments to vendors

  • Credit memos from vendors

  • You can determine how detailed the output lists are by using theparameters.
    When you select the "Totals per vendor" parameter, the programgenerates a totals sheet with details on the individual withholding taxtypes. The detail of a withholding tax type is only given if the totalexceeds the mininum amount for this withholding tax type.
    Sum totals per withholding tax rate can be listed also. This additionallist is output by selecting the parameter.

    To create withholding tax evaluations, you must manage the BSEG-XUMSWfield in the system.
    Moreover, to create a meaningful evaluation, you must make sure theposting date and clearing date intervals you specify on the selectionscreen correspond.

    The program can create lists both as a screen display and as aprintout. Lists are output in the following format:
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,65 lines,,132 characters
    ,,,,,,Company code
    ,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,,Withholding tax code
    ,,,,,,Clearing date
    ,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,Document date

1617946Removal of Country-Specific WT Reports from SAP EA Menu
313817Withholding tax reporting revised: RFKQST00