Programme SAP RFKQST10 - Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities

This is a general program for evaluating sales subject to witholdingtax. Both types of withholding tax processing ("standard" and extendedwithholding tax (as of Release 4.0)) are supported.
Evaluations are created per country, and specifications exist forAustralia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Puerto Rico, Spain,and the Czech Republic.
The choice of country specification is controlled by the parameter"Country variant". As described below, this program can also be used inother countries by using the country variants as a template.
Note however that country-specific programs exist for the followingcountries:
,,,,RFKQST30 : Japan
,,,,RFKQST50, -60 : Italy
,,,,RFKQST70 : Belgium
,,,,RFKQST80 : France
,,,,RFKQSE10, -20 : Spain
,,,,RFKQSU40 : USA
Program RFKQST10 creates evaluations on sales subject to withholdingtax for reporting to the tax authorities. The program also takes intoaccount those sales subject to withholding tax that are defined inCustomizing as either exempt from withholding tax or zero-rated. Thelatter is particularly important if tax authorities require withholdingtax amounts to be reported but not actually withheld or paid (in whichcase the withholding tax amount on the return is zero). Listed beloware examples of sales transactions subject to withholding tax:

  • Vendor invoices

  • Down payments to vendors

  • Credit memos from vendors

  • The evaluations are created according to country-specific requirements.There are withholding tax returns for France, Belgium, Great Britainand Australia. You determine the type of withholding tax evaluationusing the parameter "Country variant".
    The lists are created according to country-specific requests. Using theparameter, you can also define the amount of detail displayed in thelists individually.
    You can also list totals per withholding tax rate. To output thisadditional list, select this parameter.
    Program use in those countries that are not maintained in the list ofvalues for the parameter "country variant": Choose a suitable variantas a template. Suppress the country-specific title by activating"Country not in title", and enter the required country in the field"Additional heading".

    To create withholding tax evaluations, you must manage the BSEG-XUMSWfield in the system.
    Moreover, to create a meaningful evaluation, you must make sure theposting date and clearing date intervals you specify on the selectionscreen agree (excluding Belgium).

    You can display and print the lists the system creates. Lists areoutput in various formats, depending on the country specification.
    ,,,,Australia:,,,,,,65 lines,,132 characters
    ,,,,Belgium:,,,,,,65 ",,,,80 "
    ,,,,France:,,,,,,65 ",,,,80 "
    ,,,,Great Britain:,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    ,,,,Italy:,,,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    ,,,,Puerto Rico:,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    ,,,,Spain:,,,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    ,,,,Czech Republic:,,,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    ,,GB,AUS,PR:,,Company code
    ,,,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax type (extended withholding tax)
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax indicator
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax license number
    ,,,,,,,,Clearing date
    ,,,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,,,Document date
    ,,,,,,,,Reference number
    ,,FR,BE:,,,,Company code
    ,,,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax type (extended withholding tax)
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax indicator
    ,,,,,,,,Reference number
    ,,,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,,,Posting date
    ,,,,,,,,Document date
    ,,IT,ES,CZ:,,Company code
    ,,,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax type (extended withholding tax)
    ,,,,,,,,Withholding tax indicator
    ,,,,,,,,Posting date
    ,,,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,,,Document date
    ,,,,,,,,Reference number
    ,,,,,,,,Clearing date
    If a currency is entered in the field "Alternative local currency", theoutput is in this currency rather than in the local currency. In thisprocess, the amounts are converted from the local currency to thealternative local currency at the given conversion date (default valueis the system date), using exchange rate type M. This function can beused for the Euro changeover for example, if the company code hasalready changed over to the euro but the tax authorities still requirethe tax returns in the old country currency.

157009Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) UK
313817Withholding tax reporting revised: RFKQST00