Programme SAP RFKQSE20 - Withholding Tax Reporting Model 210 Spain

This program (which applies to Spain only) creates a DME file for the210A report. This report contains the payments and withholding taxamount for vendors who carry out business in Spain, without actuallybeing resident there.
Both payments and down payments are reported. The program alsoprocesses documents that have been posted using the function forextended withholding tax. If you have activated the extendedwithholding tax function, documents for which the withholding tax wasposted at the time the invoice was created can also be processed.

The vendors in question must be marked as subject to withholding tax,and when you enter documents, you must include the withholding taxcode. You must have configured withholding tax in your system such thatthe tax is posted at the time of payment. Down payments must be postedas special G/L transactions; this ensures they are processed separatelyfrom other transactions.
Furthermore, the alternative currency keys must be configured asrequired by the 210A report. You also need to define an income type foreach withholding tax code.
The documentation provided by the Spanish tax authorities should beused as a reference for these settings.
If you activate extended withholding tax, you must ensure that only onewithholding tax type is used. You then create the required withholdingtax codes within this type.

Any documents selected (in accordance with the selection parameters youentered) appear in the list which is sorted by company code, vendor andwithholding tax code. Amounts resulting from down payments arespecially noted. Regarding the list itself, you can control whetherline items or only totals are printed.
If required, you can have the system create a DME file which is thenstored on the application server (or on the presentation server (PC) ifpreferred). In both cases, the file path and file name must beprovided. In addition, you also need to enter certain informationconcerning the person or entity for which the withholding tax is beingreported. This information is then processed in the DME file.
The DME file consists of three record types:

  • Header record, length 200, 1 header record at the start of the file

  • Information record, length 200, 1 information record per payment
  • document
    • Closing record, length 90, 1 closing record at the end of the file