Programme SAP RFKQSD10 - Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities (Germany)

Program RFKQSD10 is only relevant for Germany. It creates evaluationson sales volumes subject to withholding tax for purposes of reportingto the tax authorities.
The withholding tax amount entered in the document is split into twoamounts in the display (in one column, the withholding tax amount minusthe reunification tax and in the next column the reunification taxamount itself). What the program generally does is determine whether atax-exempt amount has to be displayed (which would also be displayedminus reunification tax, with the reunification tax amount in the nextcolumn).

It is impossible to create the withholding tax report without fieldBSEG-XUMSW being maintained in the system.
You must also have entered screen variant 2 in the "Document entryscreen variant" field and maintained the appropriate tables forwithholding tax, using the accounting configuration functions.
The withholding tax must be calculated in line with a fixed percentage(withholding tax rate or reduced rate).
For the report to be at all useful, you must also ensure that theintervals specified for posting date and clearing date in the selectionscreen correspond.

You can enter parameters to control the level of detail in the listproduced by the program.
If you select the parameter "Totals table for tax types", the systemwill additionally generate a list of the sum totals for eachwithholding tax code.
The program can generate the lists both on screen or in printed form,with the following format:
65 lines 132 characters

The data is sorted by:
Company code
Account number
Withholding tax code
Clearing date
Document number
Document date

1617946Removal of Country-Specific WT Reports from SAP EA Menu