Programme SAP RFKORD80 - Print Program: Cash Documents

You can use this program to print cash documents.
The program can only be used in conjunction with the cash jounaltransaction. It uses the cash journal data for selection and printing.FI documents are therefore not necessary.
The print program is usually only carried out directly for testpurposes during system configuration. Otherwise the program isautomatically called up by the cash journal transaction or other higherlevel correspondence programs.

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled before you can print cashdocuments:
System configuration
You make the basic settings for correspondence in "Financial AccountingGlobal Settings" in Customizing. For more information about standardconfiguration, see details below in this program documentation.
Defining forms
Forms must be defined and activitated in the system so that they canprint the correspondence required. A form is delivered with thestandard system. You can copy this form and adapt it in accordance withyour requirements.
The form F140_CASH_DOC_01 is used in the standard system.

Each cash document is printed separately. A separate spool request iscreated for each company code. You can display the document on screenfor test purposes. If, in the print program, you do not specify theprinter on which correspondence should be printed, either the printerfrom the user master of the person that started the program, or theprinter specified when the job was scheduled is selected.
If minor errors occur during the program run, these are displayed in anerror list at the end of the program run. The program does notterminate. If you want error lists to be printed on a specific printer,define the printer for the log in the print program or the variant forthe print program. If you do not specify a printer, the system selectseither the printer from the user master of the person that started theprogram, or the printer specified when the job was scheduled. If theprogram is run online, the error list is displayed on the screen. Ifthe program was scheduled as a job, the spool request name of the errorlist consists of the indicator F140ER, the printer name, and possiblythe correspondence type, and/or the company code.
If the print program is run directly with print output, a log of thespool requests is output per program run. If you do not specify aprinter for the log in the print program, the system selects either theprinter from the user master of the person that started the program, orthe printer specified when the job was scheduled. If the program is runonline, the log is displayed on the screen. If the program is plannedas a job, the spool request name consists of the indicator F140, theprinter name, the issue date, and the program ID KORD. If the programis started by a higher level correspondence program, the log output istriggered by the higher level program (for example, trigger forcorrespondence or internal documents).

Information about the standard form and the available text symbols
Information about form layout
Information about the text symbols


Customizing for cash documents is explained below using the standardsystem.

You make the basic settings for correspondence in Customizing forFinancial Accounting Global Settings. There you can maintain thesuboptions for the following programs.
For tables in which a default entry without company code is permitted,if no specific company code has been entered, the system uses thedefault entry. If this is not what you require, you should only maketable entries that specify the company code. For the relevant tables,there is a note below about the blank company code default entry.
The correspondence types, forms, and standard texts that begin with Zare examples of customer-specific objects that are not delivered withthe standard system.

1. Financial Accounting Global Settings: Correspondence:
Maintain the base parameters for cash documents as follows.
You do not have to maintain the call options since the correspondencerequest has to be triggered by the cash journal transaction.
1.1. Examples for correspondence types:
SAP18 Cash document
X Document necessary
1.2. Examples for program assignment:
Make entries either for individual or all company codes explicitly,and/ or as a default for blank company code.
CoCde CorID Program Variant Default text
0001 SAP18 RFKORD80 SAP18
1.3. Examples for forms:
Make the entries either for individual or for all company codesexplicitly, and/or as a default for blank company code.
CoCd Program Fo Form
0001 RFKORD80 F140_CASH_DOC_01
Using transaction SE71, check whether the standard form is available inthe client for which you need the form. If the standard forms are notavailable, you can copy the missing forms from client 000 usingtransaction SE71. (Menu -> Utilities -> Copy from client).
You can also create your own forms by copying the standard forms andchanging the text of the form (usually in MAIN window). Your forms muststart with 'Y' or 'Z'. The form name should contain the identifierF140.
Your own and standard forms in clients other than 000 must be adaptedto correspond with the standard form in client 000 when there is a newrelease.
If you need the standard or one of your own forms in a language thatthe form has not yet been translated into, you can translate the formusing transaction SE63.
1.4. Sender details:
Make the entries either for individual or all company codes explicitly,and/or as default for blank company code.
CoCd Program TXTID Header text Footer text Signature
Using transaction SO10, check whether the standard texts are availablein the clients for which you require them. The text ID is ADRS. Ifstandard texts are not available, you can copy missing texts fromclient 000 using transaction SO10. (Menu -> Utilities -> Copy fromclient).
If you do not require certain details because they are already on thecompany stationery, for example, the header and footer text, you canleave the fields blank in the table. Usually, at least the standardtext for the signature is required. If however, you do not want to usea text, you should still make a default entry in the table to avoiderror messages being issued (company code = blank and name of printprogram).
1.5. Examples for sort variants:
For cash documents, you have to define at least one sort variant. Thesort variants determine the sequence in which the documents are output.
Sort variant Name
Sequence Field name Name Offset Length
B1 Doc. number, fiscal year
1 BELNR Document number 10
2 GJAHR Fiscal year 4
B2 Reference, fiscal year
1 XBLNR Reference 16
2 GJAHR Fiscal year 4
B3 Doc.type, doc. number, year
1 BLART Document type 2
2 BELNR Document number 10
3 GJAHR Fiscal year 4
The sorting is first carried out by company code, and then in the fieldsequence of the relevant sort variant.
You can obtain a list of fields that you can sort by using the possibleentries help (F4). The list contains a selection of fields from thedocument header table BKPF.
You can expand the list of fields for selection in accordance with yourrequirements. Using a repair correction, you can transfer fields thatdo not yet exist in table RF140U to table RF140UZZ. You must ensurehowever, that you are using the field names and data elements from thestandard tables, since the fields from table RF140UZZ are provided withinformation corresponding to the name from the document header table.After you have expanded the fields, you have to activate tableRF140UZZ.
1.6 Create report variants
Examples for report variants:
Program RFKORD80
SAP18 Sorting correspondence B1
Output to printer Define printer, per
company code if required
Log to printer Define printer for error
log, per company code if

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