Programme SAP RFKORD60 - Print Program: Failed Payments

With this program, you can create letters to customers concerning billsof exchange not cashed or partly paid bills of exchange.
This print program is generally only directly carried out during theconfiguration for testing purposes. Otherwise, the call is carried outautomatically by higher-level correspondence programs.

Before you can print letters for failed payments within thecorrespondence function, the following requirements must be met:
Make the basic settings for correspondence in the "Financial AccountingGlobal Settings" Implementation Guide. You can find more detailedexplanations on the standard settings further on in this programdocumentation.
Defining forms
Forms must be defined and activated in the system so that you can printthe required letters. The standard system provides two forms that youcan copy and adapt to meet your own requirements.
In the standard system, the form F140_FAIL_PAY_01 is used.
The data for failed payments must have been maintained or transferredand afterwards updated by means of the corresponding functions.Correspondence requests must have been created for posting the failedpayments by means of the program.
For more information on the functions for failed payments, refer to thedocumentation of the program RFBITB01.
Program documentation
The following restrictions apply to the creation of letters for failedpayments:
Only letters for non-redeemed or partly paid customer bills of exchangeare supported.
Only one customer may exist in the bill of exchange document.
Intercompany transactions are not supported.
Even in the case of head offices with local processing, letters forfailed payments are addressed to the head office and not to the branch.created by means of the program RFKORK00.

A letter for a failed payment is output for each customer. A separatespool request is created for each company code. For test purposes, thedata can be displayed on the screen. If you do not specify for theprint program on which printer the correspondence should be printed,the program may take the printer specified in the user master of theuser who started the program or the printer specified when the job isscheduled.
If minor errors occur during the program run, i.e. errors that do notlead to a program termination, these are listed after the run in anerror list. If you want these error lists to be printed on a certainprinter, you should specify a printer for the log in the print programor the print program variant. If you do not make this specification,the program reacts as above (as for the printer for thecorrespondence). If the program is run online, the error list isdisplayed on the screen. If,however, the program is scheduled as a job,the job request name for the error list is composed of the identifierF140ER, the printer name and maybe the correspondence type and/or thecompany code.
If the print program is carried out directly and a printout issued,then a log with the created spool requests is issued for each programrun. If you do not specify for the print program on which printer thelog should be printed, the program may take the printer specified inthe user master of the user who started the program or the printerspecified when the job is scheduled. If the program is carried outonline, the log is displayed on the screen. If the program is plannedas a job, the spool request name of the log is made up of theidentifier F140, the printer destination, the date of creation and theprogram ID KORD. If the print program is started by a higher-levelcorrespondence program, the log entry is made by means of thehigher-level program (for example, trigger for correspondence orperiodic account statements).

Information about the Standard Form and Text Symbols
Information on form layout
Information on text symbols

Make the basic settings for correspondence in the "Financial accountingglobal settings" Implementation Guide. Make the settings for the failedpayments under the "Failed payments correspondence" option in the"Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable" Implementation Guide. Thereyou maintain the suboptions in accordance with the followingguidelines.
For tables in which a default entry without a company code is allowedthe default entry is accessed if no entries for a special company codeexist. If you do not want this, you should only make table entries withwhich the company code is predefined. For the relevant tables, there isa note below on the default entry company code.

1. "Financial Accounting global settings": Correspondence settings:
For failed payments, the base parameters are to be maintained asfollows.
The call options are not to be maintained for failed payments since theletters are automatically requested by the program for posting thefailed payments.
1.1. Examples of the correspondence types:
SAP12 Failed payment
X Document necessary
1.2. Examples of program allocation:
The entries for both single or all company codes, whether made manuallyand/or as default values, must be blank.
CCode CorID Program Variant Default text
0001 SAP12 RFKORD60 SAP12
1.3. Examples of the forms:
The entries are to be left blank either for individual or explicitlyfor all company codes or are to be left blank as default for companycode.
CCode Program Fo Form
0001 RFKORD60 F140_FAIL_PAY_01
With the transaction SE71, you should check whether the standard formsexist in the client in which you need them. If standard forms do notexist, you can copy the missing forms from client 000 with thetransaction SE71 (Menu -> Utilities -> Copy from client).
You can create your own forms by copying the standard form and changingthe layout set text (generally in the MAIN window). Your forms muststart with a "Y" or a "Z". The form name should contain theidentification code "F140".
Your own forms or standard forms in clients not equal to 000 might haveto be adapted during release changeovers according to the standard formin client 000.
If you need the standard form or a form created by you in languages forwhich no translation exists, you can translate the forms using thetransaction SE63.
Example for including document long texts:
If you have entered texts for a document and want them to be printed inthe correspondence, proceed as follows:

  • Copy the standard form into an individual customer form.

  • Determine the window and, if necessary, the text element in which you
  • want to print the document text.
    • Determine which data is available when printing the window or text
    • element by using the program documentation (for example, tables BKPF,BSEG, BSID, BSIK, RF140 fields)
      • Define the text ID of the document long text which you want to print
      • (for example, 001) within Financial Accounting customizing via Businesstransactions -> Base parameters -> Texts -> Document texts.
        • Then insert two lines similar to the following lines at the required
        • position on the form.
          1.4. Sender details:
          The entries are to be left blank either for individual or explicitlyfor all company codes or are to be left blank as default for companycode.
          CCode Program TXTID Header text Footer text Signature
          With the transaction SO10, you should check whether standard textsexist in the client in which you need them. The text ID is ADRS. Ifstandard texts do not exist, you can copy the missing texts from client000 with the transaction SO10 (Menu -> Utilities -> Copy from client).
          If, on account of company stationery, you do not require individualspecifications - such as the header text and the footer text - you canleave the respective fields in the table blank. Normally, however, atleast the standard text for the signature is needed. You should,however, make a default entry (company code = blank and name of theprint program) in the table to avoid error messages if you do not wantto use texts.
          1.5. Examples of Sort Variants:
          There must be at least one sort variant defined for correspondence forfailed payments. You use the correspondence sort variants to determinethe sequence in which the letters are printed.
          Sort variant Name
          Sequence Field name Name Offset length
          K1 Sort by postal code
          1 LAND1 Country 3
          2 HPSTL Postal code of or PSTLZ 10
          3 KOART Account type 1
          4 KONTO Account 10
          K2 Sort by account number
          1 KOART Account type 1
          2 KONTO Account 10
          K3 Sort by document number
          1 BELNR Document number 10
          2 GJAHR Fiscal year 4
          All objects are sorted first by company code, then by ID for the typeof document and then in the sequence of fields specified in the sortvariant being used.
          To display a list of the fields by which an object can be sorted by,select "Possible entries" (F4). This list of the fields you can selectcontains a selection of fields from the master record tables KNA1,KNB1, LFA1 and LFB1. The fields KOART, KONTO, KTOGR (KNA1-KTOKD orLFA1-KTOKK)and KTOZE (KNB1-KNRZE or LFA1-LNRZE) are filled inaccordance with the account type, which is taken from the master recordtables. The fields "Document number" and "Fiscal year" are only filledin the case of document-related correspondence, such as paymentnotices.
          You can extend this list of selectable fields in order to meet yourrequirements. To do so, you can use a repair correction to importfields from the following tables, that are not yet in table RF140V,into table RF140VZZ: KNA1, KNB1, LFA1 and LFB1. When doing so, you musttake care to use the field names and data elements from the standardtables, as the fields in table RF140VZZ are supplied using the namesfrom the master records. After you have added these fields, you mustactivate table RF140VZZ. The sort fields are then supplied inaccordance with their names and in a pre-defined sequence as follows:
          The sort fields are drawn first from the KNA1 or LFA1 data and thenfrom KNB1 or LFB1.
          For this reason, fields that have the same name in tables KNA1 and KNB1or LFA1 and LFB1 may be overwritten.

          2. Failed payment:
          You define the variants under the "Failed payments correspondence"option in the "Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable" ImplementationGuide.
          Program RFKORD60
          SAP12 Correspondence sorting K1
          Cleared items X
          Output to printer Define printer (for
          each company code
          if necessary)
          Log to printer Define printer for error
          list (for each company
          code if necessary)

145200Correspondence: data from central address management
491446RFKORD60: FB552 No relevant item in document
366042Expiring currencies processes FI
362277Expiring currencies: correspondence